Deyette = Deaette, Diette The term "Acadians" refers to immigrants from France in the early 1600s who settled in the colony of Acadia, in what are now the provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. [ Marriage List]. Lef(f)ler = Lafleur | Reply. I am currently working with Cindy Borque on the Capela line, with the intention of working through the generations toward the David sisters. St. Mars = Cinq-Mars Places Grgoire = Grigwire Discover your DNA story and unlock the secrets of your ancestry and genealogy with our DNA kits for ancestry and the world's most comprehensive DNA database. Demars=Dumas Sarrazin = Buckwheat Levi(e)n(e) = Lavigne Frappier = Frappiea Rasco(e) = Racicot Tremblay = Trombley Purchases of Family Tree downloads can be uploaded to MyHeritage so you can easily build out your family tree no matter what type of computer you are on. Sylvestre | Metis,Iroquois, Mixed-heritage: Cree,French, Taylor | Metis, Chip., Cree, Dakota, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Missi, Thibault | Metis, Iroquois, Ojibway, Chippewa, French. Charron = Sharron Phone: (510) 832-0311. Allain, Allard, Amirau, Arostegny, Arsenault, Aubin, Aucoin Laroe = Lareau/Larrow Iroquois Mixed. Which surnames it is based on? LaRoque's census in 1752 indicates quite precisely when each of the families arrived. Dessin-Pierre = de St-Pierre Cummings = Viens Fisher=Poisson St. Onge = Santaw, Tailleur = Taylor Print. Recently in Canada and the United States, a small but vocal minority of white French-descendants have used an ancestor born between 300 and 400 years ago to claim an "Indigenous" identity. Racine = Root This mtis is not the same as Metis Nation, which is defined differently and is much more recent. Branconnier = Brockney Your email address will not be published. Lavallee | Metis, Saulteaux, Chippewa, Cree, Fr. Larivire = Rivers November 18, 2020 Over the years, researchers have accumulated records they generously share with others. Use this sticker: {{First Peoples Canada Sticker|nation=Mi'kmaq}} where Mikmaq would be changed for proper tribe or can be left blank if not known. Viens = Cummings Jack | Metis, BC First Nations, Cree, Iroquois (? There are frequent updates. Lafloor = Lafleur Lanctt = Languedoe, Langdo, Loncto, Lonto, Laucto, Longtoe Cooper | BC First Nations (inc. Cowichan, Taupsham), Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Daniel, Daniels | BC First Nations, Chipewyan, Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Salish, Saulteaux, Sioux, Atikamekw / Tete de Boule, Denis, St. Denis + | Metis, Abenaki, Algonquin, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Malecite / Maliseet, Desjarlais | Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Saulteaux, Sioux, Stoney, Edward, Edwards | BC First Nations, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois, Metis, Ojibway, Slavi / Slavey, Stony, Elliott | BC First Nations, Bella Coola, Chippewa, Mohawk, Nishga / Nisgaa, Ojibway, Salish, Six Nations, Favel | Cree, Metis, Ojibway, Salteaux / Saulteaux, Fletcher | BC First Nations, Cree, Mohawk, Metis, Ojibway, Salish, Goulet | Chippewa, Cree, Metis, Mikmaq, Ojibway, Slavey (Goolay), Maurice | Carrier, Metis, Mikmaq, Okana | Surname Anchor Post. These are either Surname Anchor Posts or Early French Canadian Pioneer Posts. are those for which there is information on this site in my Marriage Index and / or the Canadian CensusExtracts. Cir = Cyr Evelyn, Comment by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault | Johnston / Johnstone Metis, BC First Nations,Blackfoot, Mixed: Ojib., Eng., Fr., Scot. Murray, at one point we did consider Caplan as an Acadian when he was "unknown", hence his Mi'kmaq wife was in the Acadian project and she was on the list of indigenous people married to Acadians. Mitchell | Metis, Algon., Chippewa,Iroq., Malecite, Mikmaq, Fr. Denno = Denault Nas., Fr. Researchers have been able to reconstruct parts of the population of the colony through consultation of surviving parish records, but recourse to a wide variety of other sources has been, and as research goes on , continues to be necessary, to fill-in gaps in our knowledge. | Reply, Has anyone found Metis ties in the Meloche and Reaume families in Windsor Essex county Ontario, Comment by mark | Duchene = Duchesne 1703. Trudo = Trudeau Could I somehow send you details? October 23, 2022 Renaud/Renault = Reno Eventually the name became Acadia. | Reply, My mother name was Claire Bertrand and father name is Alfred Sarrazin, Comment by Mike | ), Ojibway, Jackson | Metis, BC, Chippewa, Cree, Iroquois. Rockford = Rochefort The Acadia project has claimed Unknown Mi'kmaq as one of its own. CONTENT MAY BE COPYRIGHTED BY WIKITREE COMMUNITY MEMBERS. Cedula, Courville, Desmarais, Langevin, Pedrement, Ach, Ache, Hach, Hache, Harch, Harchey, Alain, Alen, Alin, Allain, Allen, Allin, Halin, Hlne, Alarie,Alary, Grandalary, Grantalarie, Halari, Halarie, Halary, Lary, Beaulieu, Lafontaine, Laroche, Perot, St-Aignan, St-Vincent, Alair, Alaire, Aler, Alere, Allair, Allaire, Aller, Halaire, Halere, Hallaire, Baril, Barrire, Labarre, Lart, Lavergne, Longpr, Bocage, Hautmny, Larpinire, Lincour, Neuville, Villeneuve, Vincelot, Amireau, Amireault, Mero, Miraud, Mirau, Miraux, Mireau, Mireault, Moreau, Arceneau, Arcenault, Arcenaux, Arceneau, Arsenau, Arsenault, Arsenaut, Arseneaut, Arseneaux, Archambau, Archambaud, Archambaux, Archambeau, Archambeault, Archambaux, Arshambo, Archampbeault, Gervais, Guibord, Janot, Sdilot, St-Martin, DeGasp, DelaChenaye, Duforillon, Forillon, Lachesnaye, Latousche, Baril, Godin, Houle, Lefebvre, Prville, St-Laurent, Bariau, Bariault, Barieau, Barillault, Barrillaut, Barillon, Barillot, Bario, Barrio, Boisvert, Laforest, Lamarche, Potvin, Thibodeau, Bartelemy, Barthelemi, Barthelemy, Berthelemy, Baudoin, Baudouin, Beaudoin, Beaudouin, Bodoin, Bodouin, Bowdoin, Baudereau, Baudrau, Baudrault, Baudreau, Baudriau, Baudrio, Baudro, Beaudreau, Beaudro, Bodreau, Albert, Bertrand, Dierc, Gourdeau, Hudon, Lebel, Martin, Montpellier, Philippe, Angard, Crespin, Guillemot, Malboeuf, Normandin, Rousseau, Sylvestre, Belang, Belanger, Belenger, Bellang, Bellanger, Bellenger, Bonsecours, Brisson, Delienne, Michand, St-Jean, Chevrefils, Gagnon, Germain, Goguet, Goyer, Lefebvre, Levasseur, Rotureau, Asselin, Bonneville, Gat, Gordiena, Remy, Abel, Labont, Laforest, Laguerre, Livernois, Berger, Brouillet, Fontaine, Hinse, Jolicoeur, Lajoie, Lariviere, Dauphin, Jean de Paris, Lamarzelle, Rigaud, Verbois, Barthiaume, Bertaume, Berthaume, Bertheaume, Berthiaume, Berthiome, Bertiaume, Bertiome, Geoffroy, Godin, Lafosse, Noel, Pelletier, Bartrand, Berterand, Bertran, Bertrand, Bertrant, Beaulieu, Desrochers, Durocher, Lafleur, St-Arnaud, Toulouse, Bilaudau, Bilaudeau, Bilaudeaux, Bilaudo, Bileaudeau, Billaudeau, Billodeau, Billodo, Bilodau, Bilodeau, Bilodo, Bilodos, Belair, Bienvenu, Blais, Lajeunesse, Lavigne, Lefebvre, Avon, Berneche, Bilmer, Bonneau, Lapierre, Leclerc, Bouchard, Despres, Germain, Gurin, Talon, Belleville, Dorval, Ouellet, Saucier, St-Pierre, Vallee, Barbel, Belleville, De Boucherville, De Grosbois, De Labroquerie, Delabruere, Demontbrun, De Niverville, Denois, Desrosiers, Baudria, Baudrias, Beaudria, Bodria, Boudria, Boudrias, Boudrau, Boudraut, Boudreau, Boudro, Boudrot, Boudreaux, Boudraux, Boulang, Boulanger, Leboulanger, Leboullanger, Boulai, Boulait, Boulay, Boul, Boulet, Boulette, Boull, Boullet, Borbeau, Bourbau, Bourbaut, Bourbeau, Bourbeaux, Bourbonais, Bourbonnais, Bourbonnois, Bourbonois, Bourbonier, Bourboniere, Bourbonnier, Bourbonniere, Bourgau, Bourgault, Bourgaut, Bourgos, Bourgot, Brau, Braud, Brault, Breau, Breault, Bro, Brod, Bros, Brost, Brox, Brasau, Brasault, Braseau, Braso, Brasot, Brasseau, Brazau, Brazeau. Ostiguy = Austin Louis Couc-Montour, (Fur Trader) m. Madeleine Sacokie (Indian) Jean Fafard-Macouce (Fur Trader) & Marguerite Josette Couc-Lafleur, (Mtis) Champlain, Qc. The list is presented in three parallel columns. The sticker can be added to all descendants no matter how far down. Book; paperback. Chauvin = Shover Mor(r)o(w) = Moreau In French, mtis is the adjective's form while Mtis is the name's form. Citation: Mallet, Victorin N , Ph. Lecuyer=LeQuea Trombley = Tremblay Robitaille = Rabtoy/Robtoy No offence was intended! Claude Crgheur [[Category:Mi'kmaq]] | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Blackfoot, Chippewa, Cree, Malecite, Mikmaq, Sioux, St. Aubin | Abenaki, Amalecite / Maliseet. Grashaw = Grandchamps Derouin = Drouin represent surnames that appear in the Metis Nation of Ontario official lists, but do not appear on this site. Duchesne = Duchaine, Duchene Duchesneau = Duchanno Buckwheat = Sarrazin Back to French-Canadian Descendants Discussions. Girouard = Girard/Gerard Landreville = Lunderville These are all the families known to us who were (or, who might have been) among the approximately 13,000 Acadians involved in the Dispersion, whether deported or displaced in that tragic occurrence. D'hier aujourd'hui". I believe the date of the baptism is on May 24, 1779. Brown | Metis, BC, Chip, Cree, Mississ. Tout droits rserv. Acadian Surnames from the Census of 1671: Acadian Surnames from the Census of 1671 Click here for a full size image: Contents. Mnard = Maynard Most of the surnames are derived from the official Metis Nation of Ontario project, but Ive also added a few from more recent generations. However, that could change, at which time I may request more citation examples (or perhaps offer examples for inclusion). I thought that I would ask your advice regarding the translating. Good luck to everyone in your search for your ancestors of whatever heritage. [ Aubois DNA studies] Accessed DATE., citation: Rundquist, Marie. Bourbeau = Bobo Tatro = Ttreault My Great-grandfather Leo Chester Cunningham who married Lydia Hill said Sophie was the beginning of our Mohawk Turtle Clan Ancestry. In French. Known Tribes Acadian History:Mtis History:Acadian Ancestral Home Metis is one of several terms used to describe people of mixed native and European origin. Brooks = Rousseau Brow = Brault Buckwheat = Sarrazin Bunker = Boncoeur, Goodheart Bushey = Boucher Buskey = Bousquet Butler = Bouthillier Button = Boutain, Boutin Chagnon = Shonyo Chainey = Sheni Chantal = Shontelle Charbonneau = Cole Charron = Sharron Chauvin = Shover Chicoine = Shequin Cinq-Mars = St. Mars Cir = Cyr Clokey/Clouckie = Cloutier Quebec ADNy matches with IN41520 (a descendant of William Moloney) include one other descendant of Wm Moloney. Giroux = Gero St. Pierre | Algonquin, BC First Nations, Cree, Mont., Ojibway, Salish, Stoney, Fr. 470pp. Boucher = Bushey Mas(s)on = Maison Administrators Co-Administrators Cecile (Bertrand)BERTEAU married Jean DENIS Abt. Such families, especially those who only settled in Acadia in the last quarter century before the disaster of 1755, are only identified as Acadians by documents concerning the exiles in Qubec, France, the British American colonies, the West Indies, French Guyana or Louisiana. Inuit - (often referred to as Eskimos in the United States). Dpartement d'histoire-gographie, facult des arts et des sciences sociales, Universit de Moncton. Click here to go to MyHeritage to get started today! 1) Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755 2) Acadian Surnames Louisiana Acadian Surnames at the Time of Deportation, 1755. Poirier = Patry, Peartree, Purrier, Puariea, Peiria Lovelette = Laviolette Grigwire = Grgoire Jeangra(s)w = Gingras The Acadian Mtis. Ttreault = Tatro Grew = Groulx The Association des Acadiens-Mtis Souriquois (AAMS) of Nova Scotia, Canada, is an Acadiens-Mtis organization; therefore, proof of Acadien and Aboriginal ancestry is required of its members. The LeJeune Mtis family had settled at Merligouesh (Indian and Mtis village located between Cap-de-Sable and La-Heve), because two men from Port Royal had married two of the LeJeune women between 1638 and 1650. Danis = Dany, Downey D(e)uso = Duss(e)ault Claude Crgheur Barrette=Borett Categories to add G. A database of more than two million names, many of which are Acadian. Maison = Mas(s)on D. "vidence de communauts mtisses autour de la baie des Chaleurs: D'hier aujourd'hui", paperback. Jalbert=Hulburt Sebastien | Abenaki, Algonquin, Blackfoot, Innu Montagnais, Mixed-heritage: Algonquin Fr. [[Category: Abenaki]], Indigeneous People Married to Acadians (first known generation only) Purrier = Poirier, Qumeneur=Kemener, Kimeneur, Timeneur, Kemneur, Kemener, Kimenir, Temenaire, Timenaire Fax: (510) 817-1894. Pecor = Picard Desport = Desparts Cree, Metis, Saulteaux FEB 2023, Hardy | Cree, Atlin (BC) First Nations, Ojibwa, Mixed-heritage:Scottish, Hebert | BC First Nations, Metis, Ojibway, Hill | BC, Cayuga, Chip., Delaware, Iroquois, Mikmaq, Mohawk, Ojibwa, Oneida, Onodaga, Six Nations, Hunt, Hunter | Metis, Algonquin, BC First Nations, Beaver, Blackfoot, Cree, Kwakiutl, Ojibway, Sioux, Skookym Chuck, Stoney, Ignace | Metis, Algonquin, Chippewa, Ojibway. Each post below serves to organize the information that is currently scattered about the site. Leave a message for others who see this profile. Metis research adds a level of difficulty that some might find discouraging. As major contributors to the Canadian colonial project, these explorers helped Canada open up lands that were unknown, undiscovered and open to appropriation by Acadian "Mtis" voyageurs.
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