Furniture stores may not be that important and a public park may be arguably better than a furniture store, but this interactive art piece you can sit on is a little nod to Columbus past. Centennial High School; Staff Resources Page; Staff Resources. e.preventDefault(); // RESPONSIVE MENU // FOCUS LAST ITEM $(this).parent().prev("li").find("> a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); 3, 2023 . }); This art piece may have been to pull peoples interest to nature, stemming from a blue, bronze statue of a deer. ADDRESS: 999B Herricks Road, New Hyde Park, NY 11040. $(translateDropdown).appendTo("#sw-mystart-left"); Come to learn more and speak to some of our grads at one of our information sessions being conducted from 7-8pm on the following evenings:March 9 (East Columbia Branch library) and March 21 (Glenwood Branch library). monthLong:"no" Johnston outlasts Ankeny Centennial in 5A girls state semifinals featureTimerSet = 0; } Please check back for updates throughout the year. $(" .ui-widget-header").append("

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"); Administrative Secretary. var siteName = "Garden City High School"; Centennial High School Staff Could not find any faculty or staff. Centennial High A Tale as Old as Time Centennial's Center Stage Theater presents: Beauty and the Beast GET YOUR TICKETS HERE Health Services School nurses serve students in all WCS schools. // FOCUS FIRST ITEM The sculpture reads Art In a peculiar yet modern and minimalist way. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. div.homepage-thumb-region { Staff Listing | Centennial Schools Flowing Kiss has two components to each structure, the outer shell which are the lips and the flowyness coming out of the lips. Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens at Ohio State,,Learning%20Gardens%20at%20Ohio%20State, Modern Head this piece is 31 feet tall and made of steel. "dropdownList": ".sw-dropdown-list" background: #264867; /*dark blue*/ Centennial School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs and activities. case KeyCodes.right: break; //var getWidth = ($("body").hasClass("msie8")) ? Parents can enroll their child once they live in an HCPSS school attendance area. }); $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); See All Posts . He continued working in sculpture, drawing, printmaking and textile design until his death in 1986. if(e.shiftKey) { CBPTA - Centennial Booster & Parent Teacher Association, Columbus City Schools Career Tech Education, My aunt brought myself and some other family to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Franklin Park Conservatory. if(!$("#hp-feature-apps").length){ div.homepage-thumb-region.region-7 { "folderURL" : "//", Find your student's bus number and pickup time. $("#sw-mystart-inner").appendTo($("#gb-mystart")); }); } }); For Staff | Centennial Schools He started using head forms himself in his late 1960s Modern Series paintings and prints. function rotateFeatures() { var dropdownSelector = params.dropdownSelector; "dropdownParent": ".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate", Map Location. "menuInfoText480" : "", } if (getWidth >= 480 && getWidth < 640) { // 480+ SUN Program 3:15 PM - 5:15 PM. $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").removeAttr("placeholder"); Intro to Computers & Virtual Business Teacher, Media Arts, Video, Theater Tech & Webmaster, Chemistry and Project Lead the Way HBS (Human Body Systems) Teacher, Engineering, Architecture and CAD/Drafting Instructor, We Are HAWKS Behavioral Intervention Program, CA PBIS 2020 Community Cares Recognition Letter, Schoolwide Student Behavior & Learning Expectations, Ttulo I Poltica de participacin de padres, Informacin de restablecimiento de contrasea, WE ARE HAWKS Behavior Intervention Program, Kern High School District WASC Accreditation Status, Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment), 7301 Old River Road Bakersfield, CA 93311. } appView(); if(!$("#sw-content-container10.region.ui-hp .gallery-container").length){ $(".hp-feature-title").click(function(){ var siteNameKeys = ["School", "Public Schools", "Middle School", "High School"]; // CONSUME TAB KEY Live Feed. ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension1', 'AWS'); Chrysalis Group - Pd 2, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Judge: Oxford Schools, staff immune from shooting lawsuits }); } div.homepage-thumb-region.region-8 { Centennial High School / Homepage if(featureTimerSet == 1){ "extraMenuItems" : "1,Grade Portal,,_self;1,Calendar,/Page/10,_self;1,Parent Portal,,_self;1,Need Help?,#,_self;1,Student Portal,#, _self;1,Menus,,_self;1,Staff Webmail,,_self;1,Location,,_self;", // EXTRA MENU BUTTONS - STRUCTURE IS: MENU-OPTION-NUMBER, ITEM-NAME, ITEM-URL, ITEM-TARGET; } $("body").creativeResponsiveMenu({ "useOverlay" : "off", var KeyCodes = { "tab": 9, "enter": 13, "esc": 27, "space": 32, "end": 35, "home": 36, "left": 37, "up": 38, "right": 39, "down": 40 }; "menuInfoText640" : "", 'siteID' : '8', div.homepage-thumb-region.region-4 { 'icon1' : ['Communication/19.png', 'Grade Portal', '', '_self'], Centennial High | Home - West Ada School District } }); // IS LAST ITEM She was nominated by Jalen Sledge, a current student, for her outstanding dedication and commitment to excellence in the profession while being a role . 'extraImageSpace' : 960, // ********** MYSTART ********** // var N = navigator.appName, ua=navigator.userAgent, tem; } else { The deer is standing on its hind legs as it rests its metacarpal bones on a handrail. "Where education comes first and Excellence is a tradition", All Senior Class information will be posted on the Senior Class page located at }*/ Teachers Incentive Allotment Access your students information and classroom instructional tools. $("+ " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); if($(this).parent().hasClass("open")){ Designed for youth in grades 9-12, The Platform immerses students in a one-of-a-kind STEM experience. High school basketball: Regional results and updated pairings - Los Lawrences inspiration for this sculpture was the community in Columbus. By the 1950s Moore had begun to receive a number of international commissions. } Additional information is available at Leadership U 2023 - Leadership Howard County ( //DOC global icons /*if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { $("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " li:first-child > a", this).attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); Timely Topics. $(".hp-feature-title").each(function(){ } Huff has been a professor at the University of Akrons Meyers School of Art in 1980. function dynamicContent(){ West Ada School District. Compton Unified School District. 'icon7' : ['Communication/18.png', 'Staff Webmail', '', '_self'], // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM }); $(this).removeClass("open"); Fax: The artwork is a single object sculpture. "extraAccountItems" : [], // ARRAY OF BUTTON IDS OR CLASSES 702-799-CCSD. He wanted to create something that would be thought provoking and mesh well with the Scioto area. "linkedElement" : ['overlay'], // CHOICES - ['picture'], ['title'], ['overlay'] Staff Front Office Content Area Faculty. Centennial High School Staff LINDSAY AIKMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH BETSY ALDERMAN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH ASIA ALLEN CAFETERIA - PRODUCTION CENTENNIAL HIGH MICHAEL ALLEN HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH SYDNEY AMOS HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER CENTENNIAL HIGH The sculpture Flowing Kiss is a grand two piece sculpture that captivates audiences in downtown Columbus created by Lawrence Argent. Either way the subject has relevance to nature.I think the artwork is somewhat weak. 1820 Rimpau Ave, Corona, CA 92881. searchText(); The Frantz farm was sold in 1968. I feel that the purpose of this sculpture is to remind people of nature. Centennial High School Kern High School District Staff Directory Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment) 504 Coordinator Kern High School District 8601 Hageman Road, Bakersfield, CA 93312 Phone: (661) 588-8601 Fax: (661) 588-8608 Registrar Fax: (661) 873-9027 Transcripts and Records Requests // MYSTART DROPDOWN SELECTOR CLICK EVENT "extraMenuOptions" : "Popular Links", // EXTRA MENU HEADING NAMES SEPARATED BY A ; I also like how flowy and happy the rabbits seem. "animateType" : "slide", // CHOICES - "slide" useChannelForSection(); clearInterval(window.featureTimer); Columbus Africentric Early College PreK-12, Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys, Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls, Duxberry Park Arts Impact Elementary School, Ecole Kenwood French Immersion Elementary School, Linden Park Early Childhood Education Center, Click here to order Centennial's 2023 yearbook, May 2021 Vocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, May 2021 CHS Theatre Presents: Star Showcase 2021, May 2021 Jazz Ensemble Spring Performance, FebruaryVocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, Full Remote performance of Beauty and the Beast, JanuaryVocal Music & Modern Band Showcase, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Congratulations to Centennial High School teacher Revenia Lock who was recently selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The National Society of High School Scholars. } } It is part of his exhibit. $("html, body").stop(true, false); One of the goals of the assignment was for students and their parents to learn more about their communities through art. 4, 2023 5:07 am 5h ago Photos: Benton Community vs. Sioux Center in 2023 Iowa Class 3A girls' basketball state championship Nick Rohlman Mar. function appView480() { Need help logging in? } e.preventDefault(); $("#gb-popular-links-outer").slideDown(function(){ csTranslate(); He made this exhibit to make art more accessible to the general public and not just in stuffy museums. This is made out of stainless steel, but there was a fiberglass on the outside of it to get the little shapes hammered into place. $(this).closest(dropdownParent).find(dropdownSelector).focus(); dynamicContent(); HCPSS facilities are maintained to the highest standards by dedicated staff. He comments on humanity itself through his work- our constant changing nature, precariously balancing in life but not falling. $("#hp-feature-block").hover(function(){ }); School Start and Dismissal Times: clearInterval(window.featureTimer); She also embedded other everyday items and household objects into the sculptures. var browser = getBrowser(); if($("h1",this).text()=="") { display: none; Staff Directory Staff Directory. screen.width : window.outerWidth;, "brandedLayout": 1 // 1 = VERTICAL (TEXT UNDER SELECT), 2 = HORIZONTAL (TEXT BESIDE SELECT), 3 = NON-RESPONSIVE MEGA DROPDOWN //DOC use channel name for pagelistnavigation header if one is not present }); case KeyCodes.end: } Access NWEA reports from MAP assessments in math and reading. All Rights Reserved. Access technology information and support. div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number { COPPA Compliance Public Records Request State . ga('create', 'UA-5173826-6', 'auto', 'BBTracker' ); 'iconColor' : '#ffffff', // ICON COLOR Centennial High School / Homepage - Peoria Unified School District Career & Technical Education (CTE) . Part of the Howard County Public School System, Servicios de Idiomas | | | Holhlei Riantuanmihna. "rotatingImageColorsList" : ['#30B080','#3060B0','#999999'], Staff List / Staff Directory - Peoria Unified School District The artist is Polish artist Jerzy Jotka Kedziora and part of his exhibit. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); The event allowed students to get help filling out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid or FAFSA and other scholarships and grants. $(" #calendarlist-pnl-specialview").addClass("loaded"); Oregon Driver Training. Click here for contact information regarding non-discrimination policies. Phone: (914) 277-2400 Fax: $(this).parent().next("li").find("> a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); "){ $(this).remove(); $(this).val(""); if(siteName.indexOf(siteNameKeys[i]) != -1) { } var dropdown = params.dropdown; // MYSTART DROPDOWN LINK KEYDOWN EVENTS case KeyCodes.home: $("a.ui-btn-toggle.month").click(); Administration Brian Talaga Keith Wipperman Karen Marzka-Holman Douglas Wilbur Mrs. Teri Lintz Dr. Taryn Apollo Tamika Gay Teachers Kelly Adymy Robert Adzima David Andres Mr. Jensen Apana Lance August Malik Bankston Billy Barker Toshiko Bernau Theona Blanchard Brondon Blanche Read stories published by the district's dedicated news team. photoGallery(); $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); Learn more about the email and text alerts included within your HCPSS News subscription. } //DOC custom mystart search placeholder The making of the piece was recorded in a pioneering documentary on Moore made by John Read for the BBC that year. The specific sculptural form seen in Ohio States Modern Head first came to life in 1969. } "showSearch" : "yes", Centennial High School / Homepage Home of the Coyotes A Culture of Achievement Since 1990 NOW ACCEPTING OPEN ENROLLMENT Enroll at Centennial even if you don't live in our neighborhood! School Staff Administration (410-313-2856) Cynthia Dillon | Principal | John Seibel | Assistant Principal (A-G) | Tracy Scaltz | Assistant Principal (H-N) | Jeri Somerville | Assistant Principal (O-Z) | M = M ? Clark County School District 5100 W Sahara Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD. $("#hp-feature-apps .region > div").each(function(){ } Contact Us District Homepage Employee Portal Join Our Team PowerSchool . Please try a new search. featureRotateTimer(); This sculpture was created out of blown glass and steel and was made in 2003. }); $("li.sw-channel-item").last().addClass("last"); photoGallery(); To report a student absent, late arrival, or earlyrelease, click on the form below: Resources for students, families, and the greater community, District Office: 4707 North Road, Circle Pines, MN 55014, District Office Hours:Monday-Friday: 7:30am-3:30pmPhone: 763.792.6000Serving the communities of Blaine, Centerville, Circle Pines, Lexington and Lino Lakes in Minnesota. var M = ua.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\. Join the Ohio State Universitys National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) & Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) in the STEM Challenge. $(this).parent().remove(); Contact Us | Centennial High - West Ada School District $("#hp-content div.ui-widget-header").click(function(){ "showMenuInfoText" : "no", 'icon4' : ['Communication/11.png', 'Need Help? rotateFeatures(); She was one of the youngest students to have ever entered the Schools, at only 18 years old. Orange Lutheran 66, St. Pius X-St. Matthias 64. } if(getWidth < 640){ // 480- $(".sw-mystart-button.popular-links").removeClass("open"); Centennial High School. }); } else { Interpretation: The praying mantis is what scientists call an ambush predator, this means they lie and wait for their prey. 'icon8' : ['Social Media/8.png', 'Location', '', '_self'], if(featureTimerSet == 1){ "menuInfoText320" : "", Compton Unified School District. Plus, a lifesize sofa carved out of limestone looks pretty silly if you were to just happen upon it. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-9 { // CONSUME LEFT AND UP ARROWS $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("li:first-child > a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); break; } else { $("#sw-myaccount").html('My Account
'); "showSiteManager" : "no", Seeing as many animals dont show near the area the deer statue is, it may be a call of remembrance. Teachers View postings and apply Substitutes Learn how to become a GISD substitute.
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