Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. 2 Years of Lessons from Battalion Command - The Military Leader Occasionally Soldiers get into trouble and become subject to some form of formal punishment where he is judged by members outside the unit. Not all officers are interested in being nominated for special assignments; this desire must be communicated to the assignment officer in order to avoid potential friction. I am directly responsible to my commanding officer for the effective and efficient daily operations and mission. SFC, USA HRC account managers are responsible for representing their assigned units' requirements. The goal is to achieve diversity of thought, so officers should have multiple mentors to avoid a myopic assignment approach. Make sure you address the type of behavior that the person is accused of having. SSG Deleon served as a Drill Sergeant in 1st Platoon and later became the Senior Drill Sergeant of 3rd Platoon. Academic Evaluation form. Happens frequently in the TPU. If you are asked to write a character statement, don't worry if you can't write well. NAME:! " You are fair and treat everyone in the office as an equal. Votes. Initial Field Grade Counseling. PDF Will M. Helixon - Military Lawyer - Court-Martial Defense Lawyer Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. If you marked "no" in a box, you have to explain in detail why. I can be reached at any time on my personal cell, 800-SHK-NBKE, or government cell, 800-BBJ-ESUS. ". Comments and Help with electrical outage report example forms. I currently serve as a Mortar Platoon Sergeant in 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry Division. This can be hard because you have limited space, so focus on the facts. Hard work is only part of achieving your goal; developing a solid network is another. In my professional opinion as one of his mentors, and as a witness of SSG Deleon's moral character, I truly believe that he is an asset to the United States Army. Majors should approach future career goals logically and sequentially. My name is SSG Smith and I am writing on behalf of SGT Jones. The below comments are not to replace the Army's definition, nor are . PDF OER SUPPORT FORM AND OER VIGNETTE - MilitaryCAC Being promoted to lieutenant colonel is definitely indicative of a successful career. Despite numerous TDYs and dozens of uses, she has never misused her card before this instance. To achieve desirable career outcomes, an officer must consider the following 10 aspects. I am aware of the punishment that SGT Jones could be given. This will give them an idea of their future opportunities. You're just asking for sleepless nights. DA FORM 67-10-2 - Example . Body. LEAD. You can't do it all yourself. PDF The Company Leader Now, creating a OER Support Form Example Bullets PDF takes a maximum of 5 minutes. While these are effective and canonical definitions, there was just more I expected. Usually, when things get to the point where character references are requested, the person is in potentially serious trouble and his career is on the line. SUBJECT: Character Statement for SPC Joe J. Smith. Officers must routinely update their two-to-five year plans, incorporating changes to accurately project future accomplishments. The same applies to outstanding performance. Expressing a willingness to go further in defense of the subject by providing a phone number or offering to show up at any hearing will double the letter's effectiveness. " Your team consistently meets their goals often exceeding expectations. One day, as SPC Morrison and I were walking back to the barracks after working all day during a base cleanup detail, we were stopped by a Master Sergeant we didn't know who accused us of shirking our duties. Talent management must be viewed holistically. Officers rated in the top third of their peers represent the best in the field, and these officers will have the opportunity to serve in joint assignments, as general officer aides, or in other nominative assignments reserved for the very best. I am aware of the discharge proceedings against SPC Smith. #2) Ask for your rater and senior rater's support forms and ensure your support form nests with theirs. Your approach of embracing change and adapting to changing work situations encourages others to do the same. SPC Smith always maintains a very high standard of dress and appearance. 15 Rater Assessment: Field Grade Form Narrative comments focused on performance in line with field grade competencies and attributes Limited to 5 lines of text Performance based assessment; no comment on potential d2. I have served over eleven years active duty service in our great Army. I can be reached at or 719-964-8004. The investigation came as quite a surprise to me, as CW3 Texas-Ranger has never portrayed a Soldier that would derelict his personal or professional responsibilities. However, if someone strives to become a battalion commander, previous senior rater comments will carry enormous weight during the selection process. Does anyone besides me still think it is outrageous that OERs/NCOERs are sometimes filled out and written by the the person who's ER it is. This approach should include preparing for promotion to lieutenant colonel, competing for the centralized selection list, and commanding a battalion, if desired. I have always known him to be quietly cheerful and, to my knowledge, he has always had a good attitude and a positive outlook. o demanded quality in all actions and assigned tasks; committed to excellence. Good mentorship and leadership will provide him the foundation he requires to continue to be an asset. I first met CW3 Texas-Ranger in August 2004, when he served as an AIT Drill Sergeant at Ft. Gordon, GA. CW3 Texas-Ranger was never assigned as my Drill Sergeant or Senior Drill Sergeant. I have worked with SPC Morrison (as a co-worker and now as a supervisor) for almost two years and in that time I have never seen him lose his temper or even raise his voice to anyone. It's a pain in the ass, and nobody reads them, but you have to do them. HELP! Writing an OER support form. In addition, I have had the opportunity during the last month to interact with him during PT sessions three times a week. I am fully aware of the severity of SSG Deleon's actions. The preparation of lawful paperwork can be costly and time-ingesting. I first met SGT Jones in April 2011 at WLC, on Ft Stewart. Achieve OER Rubrics | Achieve What's outrageous is that we are still outraged and we pretend it shouldn't happen. DA Form 2166-8 for NCOER DA Form 2166-9-1A. Senior leaders play a critical role in managing talent across the organization, and your reputation will make the difference during the process. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. It is completely out of character for him and I can't help but wonder if there were mitigating circumstances. PDF Military Times The Ultimate Field Grade Officer Survival Guide. If you would like for me to elaborate prior to your final decision, I would sincerely appreciate the opportunity to speak further on CW3 Texas-Ranger's behalf. Develop - Leaders foster teamwork; express care for individuals; promote learning; maintain expertise, skills and self-awareness; coach, counsel and mentor others; foster job development, and steward the profession of Arms. My name is Gunnery Sergeant DeKinderen, Todd M., the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) G-3 Headquarters SNCOIC. Military Evaluation (OER & NCOER) - United States Army Normally a single paragraph of a couple of sentences explaining who you are (rank, place of work, etc) and your relationship with the subject (co-worker, friend, supervisor, etc). To do otherwise would hurt your reputation and possibly make you subject to UCMJ action. New Officer Evaluation Report means fewer boxes, more accountability Fill oer support form character bullets: Try Risk Free. SPC Smith is one of the technicians who work in the Aeromedical Staging Facility (clinical operations). His technical prowess was steadfast and contributions to the G6 team guaranteed overall mission accomplishment. This assertion, along with Army Regulation (AR) 623-3: Evaluation Reporting System (ERS), implies that character is the foremost leadership requirement: The Army Values, empathy, warrior ethos, and discipline are critical attributes that define a leader's character and apply across all grades, positions, branches, and specialties. The Army has plenty of assignment opportunities other than brigade combat teams, and these opportunities need solid performers. Medical support, educational interests, or exploration opportunities are all worth consideration. Making the alternate list is an accomplishment in itself because there is still a chance to receive a command based on declinations, deferments, or other actions that may require a change in leadership. Officer Evaluation Reporting System (OERS) Flashcards - Quizlet Get, Create, Make and Sign oer support form pdf . Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool t o allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources. new year new NCOER program this helps a lot! OFFICER EVALUATION RECORD. Officers with Exceptional Family Member Program or Married Army Couples Program situations are assignment officers' first priority. This article was published in the July-August 2018 issue of Army Sustainment magazine. Rater profile established for raters of company and field grade officers Maintain less than 50% of reports written by grade in the "Excels" box (for raters of LTCs and below) Flexibility - Raters have a "credit" of 3 in the "Proficient" box to start profile Rater OER profiles calculated based on Profile LOCK date as evidenced by . All validated requisitions are important, and someone will fill the requirement. Army Publishing Directorate - Details Page Being a leader is where SSG Deleon shined the most. 1. Talent management affects all officers regardless of their current performance. AR 623-3. ch 1-8 Standards of Service. An evaluation philosophy accomplishes three goals. Leading by example is a manifestation of character and presence attributes." (FM 6-22 Leader Development, 7-23) . Bottom third officers are at risk for having promotion denied and basically have no chance of selection for battalion command. SSG Deleon displayed an unmatched work ethic. The Army will also implement a rater profile for the company and field-grade officer plates; emphasize recommendations for future operational and career broadening opportunities on the field grade plate; redefine the senior-rater box check; and limit the use of intermediate raters to special branches and dual-supervision situations. Unit human resources professionals must have a firm grasp of their projected losses as depicted by officers' year and month of availability for assignment (YMAV) or date eligible for return from overseas (DEROS). Counsel quarterly throughout rating period. Assess the performance of the rated officer. Because he or she is being judged by strangers who don't know him, character statements will be required for his defense. field grade officer oer character commentsaiken county sc register of deeds field grade officer oer character comments 1. QUESTION/ISSUE - United States Army Judge Advocate General's Corps Based on my experience and observations working alongside of SSgt Trejo, I highly recommend him for retention in the United States Marine Corps. ". Officers' personal assignment considerations are the last aspect in the assignments process. (FITREP), Air Force's Officer Performance Report (OPR), or the Army's Officer Evaluation Report (OER), each of these records has the greatest impact on each officer's military career and promotion opportunities. An assignment at the Army Human Resources Command (HRC) is an incredible opportunity for officers and enlisted personnel to learn how the Army executes personnel processes. Nominative assignments are continual and do not necessarily align with a specific cycle. There is a symbiotic relationship between family peace and work productivity. DA Form 67-10-2 Field Grade Plate (O4 - O5; Cw3 - Cw5) Officer nature (e.g. He is one of our best troops and I would not hesitate to recommend him for retention and promotion. (See figure 1.) Although I was not his direct supervisor, I worked closely with him for over 16 months. Contact Disclaimer. KD opportunities may affect what type of battalion an officer will command; however, the key to success is to perform well regardless of the position. In summary, I am surprised to learn of the behavior SPC Morrison is charged with. Having a clear understanding of your left and right parameters will ease tensions during the transition process. The DA Form 1059 is what? The SM should have provided information on his/her OER support . 04-PUB NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGNERS (NOFORN) 42-ITEM ONLY PRODUCED IN ELECTRONIC MEDIA. The Evaluator: The Comprehensive Guide For Preparing Army NCOERs/OERs OER Support Form Bullets? | RallyPoint OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. No less than 6 hours. height/weight and APFT data. I know of a couple of conflicts with his coworkers/peers. Army Regulation 614-100, Officer Assignment Policies, Details, and Transfers, offers detailed insight on assignment policies. Character NCOER Bullets - ArmyWriter His interactions with me, and those I have witnessed with other superiors, are always with good military bearing and keen attention to customs and courtesies. SSgt Trejo's overall dedication, passion, and love for the Marine Corps is something I wish to see in every Marine. Every officer possesses certain talents that benefit the organization. He has never been in trouble before or involved in any kind of altercation. The most effective and meaningful character statements are those written by people who have known the accused person for a long time and who can be considered to be impartial. Assignment officers need time to work on special circumstances that require external coordination, such as by-name requests, nominations, and accommodations for enrollees in the Exceptional Family Member Program, and Married Army Couples Program. Officer Evaluation Record System ( OER ) - Army Education Benefits Blog o is a motivated troop but needs further guidance in o has unlimited potential but requires more experience before o must realize the importance of finishing assigned tasks without supervision, o failed to use time wisely, consistently failed to complete duty assignments, o frequent unwillingness to cooperate in working toward unit goals affected readiness, o failed to fulfill his leadership's intent for positive and appropriate EO practices, o needed to be consistent with leadership style and maintain formality when in presence of Soldiers, o an excellent technician but needs to work on tact and communication skills, o understood his role as a senior leader but failed to contribute to the mission, o failed to keep track of the Soldiers under his supervision, o sometimes requires supervision on how to talk to Soldiers, o demonstrated poor judgement without consideration of results, o has good potential but requires more experience applying daily soldier leadership skills, o good Soldier, but fails to self improve by applying sound personal management skills, o demonstrated a serious lack of integrity and poor judgment without consideration of results, o compromised integrity by submitting altered documents; poor example to subordinates, o encouraged soldiers to advance by cheating for each other, poor example. APD$LC$v1.00ES!!!HQDA#:'! SPC Smith is a quiet, soft-spoken individual who often keeps to himself. Currently there are two cycles: the 01 cycle, which runs from Oct. 1 through March 31, and the 02 cycle, which runs from April 1 through Sept. 30. DA 67-10-1A, Officer Evaluation Support Form Networking at the field-grade level is integral to continuing career progression. Promotion opportunities are many, and multiple paths lead to the same end state. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. OER (Company Grade) Narrative and NCOER Bullet Guides, and Examples Organizations should communicate routinely with their assigned account managers in order to effectively influence the process. He is a graduate of Intermediate Level Education, Pathfinder School, Airborne School, the Joint Planners Course, the Joint Firepower Course, and the Mobilization and Deployment Course. Sample Rater & Senior Rater Army OER Bullet Comments - Part-Time-Commander Over 1,000 Rater and Senior Rater bullets for NCOERs and OERs. In my professional opinion, SSgt Trejo has always confidently displayed what it means to be a U.S Marine. Use plain bond paper and the official memorandum format. 4. She embodies her job as assignments manager and places her job and the Army first in her life, and wouldn't have it any other way. FIELD GRADE PLATE (04 - 05; CW3 - CW5) OFFICER EVALUATION REPORT . Soldiers need their raters to transparently communicate how their performance and potential will be evaluated. PDF Personnel Evaluation Evaluation Reporting System I have had to pull him aside multiple times to explain how the Drill Sergeant duties can run you down and burn you out if you don't take the time to charge your own batteries; but helping his peers seemed to energize him. As a recruiter assistant who was not formally trained, LCpl Trejo outshined many certified Marine Corps Recruiters (8411s). DEI Best Practices: Expanding the K-12 pipeline,,,, SUBJECT: Character Statement for SSG Alfred M. Deleon. Report) to DA Form 67-10-4 (Strategic Grade Plate General Officer Evaluation Report) (para 1-1). The final pages of the OER Support Form defines them for the Army. Third, it provides an underlying logic or set of business rules. The Army can and has moved surprisingly swiftly to discharge offenders and your statement will have a lot of weight in determining the subject's fate and may just save him or her from being discharged. What is the difference between company grade and field grade officers Memorandum for XO and S3, 3rd Bn, 7th Infantry Subject: Field Grade Rules. PDF U.S. Army Performance Evaluation Guide - New OER Selected continuation officers will continue to be assessed for promotion to lieutenant colonel. You must be ready to make decisions, move the mission forward, and lead by example. - Presence. thank you Sir!! It can be one or several paragraphs. I will have honorably served for 15 years come June 2021. Should only be used for: The best Most Qualified (MQ) reports within a mature profile Highly Qualified (HQ) reports that follow an MQ for same rated officer with discretion, for the very best officers with HQ reports in small Since assuming command, CPT Holmes improved morale by developing an effective rewards program resulting in 15 Achievement Medals, 8 Driver's Badges, and numerous coins and COA's. LCpl Trejo was soon promoted to Corporal, then shortly met me at the rank of Sergeant, and eventually being promoted to his current rank of Staff Sergeant. While TDY with her at Ft Meade, I had the opportunity to witness her instructing other NCOs about the GTC, its purpose, and its proper use. Form Popularity oer support form examples. The Army rolled out a new support form. The documents hosted in the ACO Learning Center come from various sources. Your narrative is important, and developing a proper network will aid in transmitting your goals and desires. If the person who needs the character statement was accused of reckless behavior, you should emphasize aspects of his or her behavior that demonstrate a serious regard for the safety and welfare of others. List incidents that you observed where he accepted orders or even punishment without argument. Officers may have promotion to lieutenant colonel basically locked, but the probability of being selected for battalion command may be lower. I have been in the Army for over 11 years and I am currently the NCOIC of Personal Property at the Installation Transportation Office. HRC wants to nominate officers who desire the positions and have the right skills for those positions. Field grade officers care about your role more than others PDF Officer Personnel Management in The Army: Past, Present, and Future - Dtic Each officer has a specific YMAV or DEROS that identifies when they are eligible to move. Approximately 51 percent of the officers who enter these types of assignments will not exit them in the same performance tier. Sample Army OER Rater Bullet# 1. As a point of clarity, units and officers must understand that vacancies do not equate to validated fills. Leadership. HELP! Field grade officer are rated on what form? as a role model by displaying character, confidence, and competence, and influence outside the chain of command. Once a space is open and a validated requisition is created, it is up to the assignment officer to find the best qualified officer. Type your statement and print it on good quality paper. ASF Admin/Occupational Health Element Chief Not once did he complain about making telephone calls, visiting high schools, or area canvassing the streets and Subways of Brooklyn, NY. Satisfied. To contribute examples, enter them below. What are the best practices for VA Benefits? All officers need an advocate to portray their narrative during the assignment process. I aware of the pending review of CW3 Texas-Ranger s advancement to CW4 due to an investigation while he was assigned as a Drill Sergeant. If you are called on to write a character statement on someone's behalf, make sure what you write is 100% factual. top 1%, 3%, 5%, etc. Assignment officers, on the other hand, are responsible for locating the right officer available to fill the identified vacancy. To this end, this He has not received any kind of discipline here in our work center, not even a verbal counseling. This is important. Contributions are moderated and will not show up until reviewed. This will suggest to the reader that the incident was a one-time, out-of-character act, not likely to be repeated. SSG Deleon made me aware of the pending investigation due to possessing a substantial amount of ammunition the he had taken from ranges and training events. Could it be possible that an examination of each services documentation process could lead to a better format? (3) (b) The rater will ensure that the rated officer or rated NCO receives a copy of the rater's and senior rater's support forms. He would continuously arrive early, stay as late as he needed to ensure the daily tasks were met, and to prepare for the next day. Although we have screened every document for quality control, there likely exist errors in content and typography. One of HRC's goals is to ensure complete transparency during the assignments process. PERIOD'COVERED:'''!FROM%(YYYYMMDD)!THRU%(YYYYMMDD)! In fact, I once heard our Maintenance NCO praise him at a meeting with the NCOIC, saying he wished he had more Soldiers like him. Ask the subject of the character statement if they have any information that could help project a positive image such as a list of accomplishments, organizations that he or she belongs to, or any other relevant information. This debunks the myth of the so-called "accepted population.". He doesn't like confrontations and will avoid them if at all possible. o Incorporates Army Directive 2015-11, Unmasking of Army Officer Evaluation His commitment to our mission was something he held near and dear to his heart. Organizational leaders must understand that the assignments process essentially starts at the unit level.
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