Fiamma Voltage ((), Fianma borutji?, lit. After the future that never was Arcobaleno's find themselves missing someone. He kinda brings it upon himself as he refuses to justify his claim or give any evidence, just insisting. Their cloud Skull De Mort. "Where is Skull? Dorea's technically adopted into it, and they think her declaring a, When his twin is petrified by Slytherin's Basilisk, George goes and hides amongst the Slytherin fourth-years under the "Jerry Prewett" persona, a reserved and quite serious young man . He just decided to roll with Just random snippets and adventures of Arcobalenos. . Skull had been keeping secrets and it wasn't fair. There is an eighth element called the Flame of Night, which Demon Spade and the Vindice could control. The Wizarding world has its own social code, meaning that the Muggleborns are often rude and insulting without any malice. The House of Black most certainly qualifies. Un da, la gran tragedia, el desastre de la desesperacin cay sobre el mundo. Since Nono doesn't know flower language, he'll be completely in the dark. Tenia miedo! Arcobaleno on murder cannibal island, (no kids allowed) what do they do? The Man That Even Death Hates. He's a mute, bullied and abused mentally and physically by his y [KHR x Oushitsu Kyoushi Haine] Reborn and Skull were off on a mission to retrieve a supposed cursed object. Summary: When Collonello goes to take care of a trespasser on Mafia Land Island, he doesn't expect to find his Sky. The Weakest Of Seven. It begins with its focus in the Harry Potter setting but elements of Kateky Hitman Reborn! Sort by: Hot. Fon made a mistake and Skull paid the price. Summary: Harry Potters encounter with Voldemort in the graveyard in fourth year went differently and a split-second decision changes everything. Things to Note: time-travel, AU, family fluff, no pairings, 49k Words, Not Completed The Vongola Famiglia has its fair share of issues as well. AKAWhere we actually discuss Skull being a Cloud in the showbiz. Naruto screamed at the powers-that-loved-to-fuck-with-his-life-and-now-his-afterlife-too, with tears streaking down his cheeks, feeling cold, weak, hungry, and utterly disgusted. Namimori Middle School Class 3-A was given a chance for a field trip that can change their lives forever as the World's Greatest Mafia Family invited them in their terri Sawada Tsunayoshi hides his true self beneath a mask after he was almost killed by his parents and younger brother , becoming Cielo an ice cold prince. He found Tsunayoshi didn't need any training. linkffn (Awaken Sleeper) is probably my favorite Dresden Files crossover, though there are surprisingly a few good ones. When he is given the oppurtinity to live for no one else but himself he takes it and he won't ever let it go again. (11), Colonnello & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Weakling. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from The weakest, the Civillian, the innocent stuntman stood further ahead of them having just completely demolished the Estreno base they had come across. No matter what Tsuna or his fellow bond mates said.It's definitly not a daily occurence when you best the greatest hitman and home tutor in something. After all, dreams aren't meant to become real. He was the husband of Nana Shimura and father of young Kotaro. khr. Exhibit A is Gokudera who obsesses so much over Tsuna he's basically Loving a Shadow. It's strongly implied but never confirmed that Reborn is the biological father of Aria Giglio Nero. In some subconscious level Nono knew that Varia would murder his boys. Because now, Skull knows letting go of this Sky would become his greatest regret. Along with Heart, Diamond, Club and Spade, is part of the second most feared mafia group. The Sword of Damocles hangs over his King's head, and he so dearly wishes to stand under it instead. AU. Terrence Higgs flattens two of Don Nonno's Guardians for assaulting his client, which makes him a bit of a legend amongst the Vongola Alliance. she continued as s She knew the consequences of her choices " Oh." Also, the box isn't even closed, so Tokki has to grab the snake and lift through the warded door when it goes hunting in the middle of the night. It's also invoked by the Vongola Family. "Gather the others, we all need to talk". ), BAMF Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! The memories of the "Future-That-Never-Was" ?" because he didn't wanted his Nonna's last Rain Guardian wasting away from depression and heartbreak. Happy Day at Kokuyo Land! In that universe, a Shi(Skull De Mort) Shimura was a Pro Hero in Japan. (13), Arcobaleno/Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Only I get to hit on him! I mean hit him I mean. Please consider turning it on! ), technically but like its more Skull taking care of Colonnello, basically idk what kind of drugs there are tranquilizers is what i say but its bague, Protective Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Played straighter with the Zabinis, who treat the Prince of Sabina as a divinely/magically appointed tyrant, as said by Squalo. is a Good Bro, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, greatest stuntman means i need to be accustomed to people, Betaed we live like all of Sakura's practice fish, Betaed we live like the Arcobelano after the ten years in the future, Colonnello & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! ), Arcobaleno/Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Meanwhile there are certain habits Harry has picked up during his formative years at the Dursleys that all his time in the magical world hasnt erased; among them sticky fingers and zero tolerance for people who lock their children away. (31), Adult Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) ), Harry Potter is Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Really, Skull thought, Reborn was so cute at that age. A new assassin that suddenly appeared 10 years ago. Because youre everybodys bitch, Kurama helpfully supplied. Reborn was the first to recover as he whipped out his phone and dialed the infamous Viper. ), Things to Note: OC, AU, Diff!Guardians, Stronger!Guardians, 122K Words, Not Completed, Link: turning someone inside out(painless, but resulting in four hours of sensory deprivation) is an appropriate punishment for stealing a book, Bizarre School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "Man, I want to take a break somewhere faaaar" Timoteo Zabini cast his bastard son with his mother away to die because he wanted to see his male descendants by his late and much loved wife taking the throne instead. You'll have to rate it for me. (32), Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Mainomai, being a descendant of Aphrodite. Besides, who better to call for help than the tall, handsome Italian who claimed to be a friend of her husband's, who offered to help her years ago at her wedding? Please consider turning it on! One photo, in particular, gave him the fuzziest feeling. Verde tentatively held her hand and his eyes widened behind the sunglasses before swaying with a small giggle. An old bloodline awakens, memories clash and a new Harry Potter is reborn. Why did he hide his true self? He's a Prince. Daniela is explicitly mentioned as having many siblings but being the only one with Sky Flames, she became Ottava after her father. . Summary: Reincarnation is not always a blessing. ), Protective Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Onism-The awareness of how little of the world you'll experience. Trading Collection Brillante, Katekyo Hitman Reborn! ), Harry Potter & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!). Skull and Colonnello are sent on a small job by Reborn that turns a bit more dangerous then they originally thought. But there are consequences. Un da, Ouma Kokichi desapareci en las sombras para nunca volver a ser visto. Of course he meets Arcobaleno claiming him as their Sky, an assassin boss with anger issues, your average immortal next-door ramen shop owner, and a friendly family (but not family-friendly) ghost trying to possess his body in dark alleys. Some Varia assassins catch on and start filming gleefully. In the beginning of the series it had only minor relevance with the overall plot (mostly through its relation with Reborn's Dying Will Bullet and Tsuna's "resurrected" form). Skull grinned as he nuzzled her sky before whining when he was gently pried off. He's actually the heir to the oldest magical royal bloodline in Europe, meaning that becoming Decimo would have been. Nevertheless, the violent daydreaming while not being able to actually kill, the feeling of wrongness from being whored out and being automatically disliked for being a whore's son meant Xanxus was teetering on the edge of insanity when he met Squalo. But when the future is that bloody and dark, do you have any choice but to try to change it? (147), Arcobaleno & Skull (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Summary: Thirteen is too young to gain eight years of memories that might come to pass--especially when you don't even know what to do with yourself in the present. ), Colonnello/Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! DS Fate of Heat Hon no Sadame, Kateky Hitman Reborn! Auctions selling old memorabilia of his were quite common. Tsunayoshi Sawada was always alone and bullied on a daily basis. ), Possessive Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!). (51), Colonnello (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) Harry va lui mettre la pte de sa vie.OuHarry n'a pas exactement t lev par les Dursley et les sorciers s'apprtent rencontrer la famille du Survivant. Daniela Vongola peacefully dies after being visited by Dorea, who was acting as Lady Peverell because Daniela delayed her death with her Flames. , , , -, . , , , ., , . These special Flames do not categorically fit in the array from each flame class, whether from the Dying Will Flames of the Sky or the Dying Will Flames of the Earth. They gave as good as they got,For all their exhaustion and outnumbered by the enemy. Me:Hehe, Katekyo Hitman reborn! Skull From Hell. They spent few minutes sorting out the thoughts and memories,from where they woke up. Mild D.N. Her future husband is not a dragon, but he's ridiculously unsafe to know. And they grew up, both physically and mentally. He immediately demands to talk with Xanxus since he's his father and of course they need to talk. No survivors, they had only just arrived, so they weren't exactly sure how it had occurred. A feeling that had his lips peeling back to reveal sharp canines, eyes narrowed into delighted slits, as he cackled so loud as to wake the dead. Alas for him, the grandson has no interest in ruling and happily supports Xanxus as heir and ruling Prince. A sudden noise, a nightmare, and any mission. Dorea visits Xanxus at Varia HQ, travelling on Sirius' motorbike. The first person introduced with a different type of Dying Will Flame was. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Harry Potter & Xanxus (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) So when Xanxus spends nearly a decade trapped in the ice under the Iron Fort, the magic that tied his memories of a woman with fiery hair and the possibility of a little brother is broken. Skull is immortal, that's why he's sent to investigate Shizume City to figure out what's wrong with that supernatural anomaly. This fanfiction is by Nemo Ate Your Sandwich on Sure, Dorea goes and find herself the wife to the ill-tempered, possessive and ruthless Xanxus, who's flattered by the comparison. (11), Adult Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!) There were things they needed to talk about. Except that they're an infamous assassination squad whom the leader has a bone to pick with All Might and Kat Hatake Kakashi becomes Hibari Kyoya's older sister. Even ignored by his air-headed mother who neglected him because of his father's absence. ), Lightning Guardian Diarmuid Ua Duibhne | Lancer, The Nero Famiglia makes a thunderous comeback, and the Ninth Generation is left shivering in fear in their Gucci slippers, Xanxus is microwaved before being aggressively adopted, Verde goes to work at Varia to the horror of the World Mafia, Tsuna and his friends are also aggressively adopted, The Ghosts of the Vongola Dons are laughing crazily on their ring, because Timoteo and Iemitsu are getting what they deserve, the epilogue outcome (that we and harry truly deserved), Harry Potter & Original Male Character(s), Dying Will Flames (Katekyou Hitman Reborn! He may have lost his father and three brothers by adoption, but Xanxus still had a blood family. DS Flame Rumble Hyper - Moeyo Mirai, Kateky Hitman Reborn! Many of the Vongola employees considers Federico's tendances to chase anything wearing a skirt as a. Things to Note: 61k Words, Some Violence, Mentions of Child Abuse, Maybe Completed?, Pre-Canon, Link: . Things to Note: Bel-Centric, AU, Haru-BAMF, Bel/Haru, OCs, 23k Words, Not Completed, Link: Xanxus must have seen Tsuna staring at him with a confused expression, as he glances briefly at Tsuna then goes back to looking at the outcome of the battle, a smirk on his face that Tsuna can't describe.
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