Thus do We explain The Signs in detail; And perchance they may turn (Unto Us). by international copyright law. And the heavenly addressing from the Lord of Heavens on that day opened an understanding for their real beings. All rights reserved. ► Shaykh Nurjan Mirahmadi► Android App:► iPhone App:► Facebook:► SoundCloud:► Telegram:► Donate: https://muslimcharity.comSign up for our Newsletter\u0026p=oi\u0026m=1101605833102\u0026sit=tqy85chcb\u0026f=897fa0ec-18af-4ab5-bcfa-e8cc8d98ca3cBecome an official MEMBER + receive special offers and gifts: allow anyone to translate our content and re-share videos but the video must remain branded under Muhammadan Way (with original logo and channel link) with a link to our Youtube Page: - Thank you! Come and attend the heavenly declaration which is coming through a weak servant. Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem. It is the glorifying of only one angel! Because, O `ulamas, what is the first pillar of imaan? But we are asking for damaged treasures, that if fire is coming on a diamond, it will burn and turn to coal. You know it, now open it and say to people so they may understand. Allahuma zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafa noorun wa surooran ridwaanan wa sultaanan. Hal ini Allah lakukan agar ketika nanti kita dimintai pertanggungjawaban maka kita tidak bisa memungkirinya. If there will be no understanding, then how will we know and say, amantu billah? (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Everyone is now looking into a miraculous mirror that is showing an atom as a big globe like this dunya. You appeared, now go in Disappearing Oceans, finished." Those glorified servants are saying that on the Day of Promises, the Lord of Heavens called upon everyone, saying, Alastu anaa Rabbak, in mufrad, "Am I not your Lord (singular form)?'" Prophet (s)! “I am with the broken-hearted ones as they are always calling on Me.” Also, Ba is always in sajda to Alif, to Allah (swt), which means the Prophet (s) is always in the position of inkisaar, brokenness, and showing humbleness. Wir erneuern gemeinsam unseren Bund mit Dir. 178. O Salafi `ulamas! Wir bezeugen, dass Du unser Herr bist!“1 Somit gingen sie damit einen Bund mit dem erhabenen Allah ein. Amin. All of them are Unknown Oceans. Don't try always to run for dunya and its useless pleasures; they will give you nothing. It is granted to our rooh, soul, our real being. Did you learn what we have been granted to address people? Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (r) got his title, “as-Siddiq” because he accepted whatever Prophet (s) said. Email: [email protected] (Redaksi) [email protected] (Redaksi) [email protected] (Iklan), Copyright © 2018, All right reserved, BACA JUGA: Ikuti Serial Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam di, Antisipasi ISIS, Polisi Perketat Penghuni Kontrakan, Kejeri Depok Banyak Didatangi Korban First Travel Sambil Menangis, Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Tangerang Bangun 41 Ruang Kelas Baru, Tren Suku Bunga Naik, SBR012 Pilihan Investasi Menguntungkan, Mantan Bintang Arsenal Layangkan Pujian kepada Mikel Arteta, Menengok Budidaya Hidroponik di Atas Atap Masjid Asy-Syifa RSCM, Pemkab Sleman Mulai Lakukan Vaksinasi LSD untuk Hewan Ternak, Barcelona Menang Tipis 1-0 Atas Real Sociedad, Hari ini Ada Haul Guru Sekumpul di Kalimantan Selatan, Apdesi Ungkap Parpol yang Goda Kades Agar Minta Perpanjangan Masa Jabatan, Perayaan Gol Ketiga MU ke Gawang Nottingham Forrest Hampir Menyebabkan Insiden Besar, Kebiasaan Sarapan yang Harus Dihindari di Atas Usia 50, Upaya Bukapangan Mencegah Terjadinya Krisis Pangan, Aturan Ketat Saudi Soal Haji dan Umroh, MUI: Pemerintah Harus Sosialisasikan. But Man is addressed with heavenly khitaab, addressing from the Lord of Heavens. Wir verzetteln uns in Angelegenheiten, die in ihrer Bedeutung eigentlich nicht über den Tag hinausgehen. For what? 2. kitaabun unzila ilayka falaa yakun fii shadrika harajun minhu litundzira bihi wadzikraa lilmu/miniina. with ears dont hear. That means that we have been granted such a big understanding, due to which we say, “I am believing in the Lord, the Creator of this world, all Creation, and universes.” Therefore, the biggest grant from Allah Almighty to us is understanding. Don't think that our real being is on this planet, dressed as a human being, no. May Allah Almighty grant you more and more! “Sawee du`a for me.” They believe your du`a is accepted. O People! Wa idh aakhadha rabbuka min banee aadama min zhuhoorihim dhurriyyatahum wa ashhadahum `alaa anfusihim alastu birabbikum qaaloo balaa shahidnaa an taqooloo yawma 'l-qiyamati innaa kunna `an haadha ghaafileen. Σa = Jumlah ayat yang menggunakan kata yang sama. We must keep the fear of Allah in our hearts! What is happening is the opening of our selves that were in the `Alam adh-Dharr, the World of Atoms, where we were the smallest in the smallest possible world that can be imagined, in the Presence of Allah (swt). When thy Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants, and made them testify concerning themselves, (saying): "Am I not your Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)? Und er ließ uns wissen, dass Leben, Besitz und Würde eines Muslims unantastbar sind.7 Er erinnerte uns daran, dass der Weg zur Vollkommenheit eines Gläubigen und dass der Weg ins Paradies nur dadurch geebnet wird wenn wir einander lieben.8. And we are saying, a'oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytani 'r-rajeem. "- They said: "Yea! Also, Prophet (s) was given his title because whatever Allah (swt) showed him when he was Light, he accepted. So say, “Ba,” and say “Alif.” When you mention Alif, what happens at the end? Terdeteksi di Balikpapan, Apa yang Perlu Diketahui tentang Varian Kraken? When Sayyidina Muhammad (s) said, “Ba,” everyone said, “Ba,” and `Uloomi 'l-Awwaleen wa ’l-Akhireen, the Knowledge of the Firsts and Knowledge of the Lasts entered the body because you opened the place where provisions come in. Right to copy. Many are the Jinns and men We have made for Hell: They have hearts wherewith they Understand not, eyes wherewithThey see not, and ears wherewith They hear not. That of Allah, the One, the Irresistible! (Ghaafir, 40:16). (This), lest ye should say on the Day of Judgment: "Of this we were never mindful" (al-`Aaraaf, 7:172), Are you understanding and believing the heavenly address, Alastu bi-rabbikum, "Am I am not your Lord?" '” Allahu Akbar! Bi hurmati 'l-habeeb, bi hurmati 'l-Fatihah. Wa fawwadtu amri ilayka, la amliku min amri nafsi shayan. If that power is going to reach from east to west, it may take everyone away. The friends of Allah are visited by many sicknesses and tribulations. Wakathalika nufassilu al-ayati walaAAallahum yarjiAAoona. (Quran: al-Araf, 172): der Zustand von Männern und Frauen, … The Ba did not accept more than one dot, to show, “I submit completely, yaa Allah!”, The dot is the center of power, so it is carrying the Ba; were it on top it would push it down, but on the bottom it supports the Ba. May Allah forgive us, for the honor of His most honored servant and deputy, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! To Allah we belong and unto Him we return. Aamantu billah, “I believe in Allah.” If the Heavens do not grant that understanding, it will be impossible to say amantu billah. One of your true servants is enough to protect all your weak servants! Gib uns Kraft, dass wir den Weg unseres Propheten, den Du uns als bestes Vorbild und als Wegweiser gesandt hast, befolgen. Fear from Allah Almighty! What did you learn from Salafi `ulamas? Who are they, do you know? ). Walaqad thara/na lijahannama katheeran mina aljinni waal-insi lahum quloobun la yafqahoona biha walahum aAAyunun la yubsiroona biha walahum athanun la yasmaAAoona biha ola-ika kaal-anAAami bal hum adallu ola-ika humu alghafiloona. Walillahi al-asmao alhusna faodAAoohu biha watharoo allatheena yulhidoona fee asma-ihi sayujzawna ma kanoo yaAAmaloona. Allahu Akbaru 'l-Akbar. Verehrte Muslime! Every creation perceives through the faculties bestowed upon them by God, and there is no action that occurs outside of the provided faculties. ), (Mawlana Shaykh prays two raka`at Salaat ash-Shukr., Freitagspredigt in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS), Wir verurteilen die Schändung des Heiligen Korans in Schweden, Das Projekt „Ich fördere die Ausbildung eines Hafiz“, Fortsetzung des verfassungskonformen Religionsunterrichts für Musliminnen und Muslime, „10 Jahre Deutsche Islam Konferenz - Herausforderungen und Chancen für das nächste Jahrzehnt“. If you say fadullah wa lahu ‘d-deen, removing the word “mukhlis,” it has no more meaning. O our Lord! Diskriminierung, Rassismus, Ausbeutung, Gewalt, Terror, Krieg, Missbrauch, Hungersnot und noch viele andere globale Probleme nehmen uns unter ihre Geißel. You cannot count the number of stones going on Shaytan and his followers. Their limit to exist is up to there. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) He is the Lord of Heavens, Allah Almighty! The Muhammadan Way is home to world-renowned Sufi Muslim teacher Shaykh Nurjan, exploring traditional Islamic realities and sciences of the soul.Gift To Shaykh: on Earth is a journey, and we must strive to fulfill our destiny. The thunder and all angels glorify Him with His Praise from fear of Him. 181. Oceans, oceans, Allah, Allah! Tawbatan `abdan zhaaliman li nafsihi, laa yamliku li nafsihi hayaatan wa laa mawtan wa laa nushoora, “repentance of a servant who is an oppressor to himself, who doesn’t hold the power of life for himself, nor death, nor of resurrection,” we are expressing our weakness and helplessness in front of Allah! Of those We have created Are people who direct (Others) with truth. LIKE + SHARE with all your friends + loved ones to receive immense blessings!Join us LIVE with Shaykh Nurjan every Thursday, Friday, \u0026 Saturday evenings @ 19h30 [Pacific Standard Time (PST) / UTC -8] or [Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) / UTC -7]. Karena itu, dikatakan di dalam surah al-Fatihah, "Iyyaka na'budu wa iyyaka nasta'in." O Azhar ash-Shareef `ulamas and those who are claiming, "We are Salafi `ulamas." O our Lord, we are asking for protection. Zum Beginn der barmherzigen Atmosphäre der segensreichen drei Monate (Lailat-ar-Raghaib). All prophets have taken their understanding from the Seal of Prophets, Sayyidina Muhammad (s)! So say, “Ba,” and say “Alif.” When you mention Alif, what happens at the end? 172. And if they are not understanding, then how were they saying, Qaalu balaa, “They said, 'Indeed you are (our Lord).'”. What is your understanding of this world? The Quran translated into many languages in a simple and easy interface 175. When you say, “In the Name of Allah,” bi Ismillah, that preceeds your actions. Ayat im Qur'an. O People! WebWa iz akhaza Rabbuka mim Baneee Aadama min zuhoorihim zurriyyatahum wa ash hadahum 'alaa anfusihim alastu bi Rabbikum qaaloo balaa shahidnaaa; an taqooloo Yawmal Qiyaamati innaa kunnaa 'an haazaa ghaafileen (al-ʾAÊ¿rāf 7:172) jinn, end days, end times, energy, meditation, holy qur'an, sufism, islam, muslim, quran, muhammad, mohammad, mahdi, ali, imam, shaykh, mawlana, imam ali, imam mahdi, islamic, rumi, sufi, sunni, shia, jesus, surah, dua, sunnah, ahlul bayt, iman, ihsan, azan, god pillSecrets of the Blessed Sahabi and Ahlul Bayt - Sdn Abu Bakr (ع), Sdn. The biggest weakness of human beings that we must use every day is our need to sleep; Allah (swt) made us need sleep to show us that we are weak and helpless. So where did we arrive? That means that we have been granted such a big understanding, due to which we say, “I am believing in the Lord, the Creator of this world, all Creation, and universes.” Therefore, the biggest grant from Allah Almighty to us is understanding. Do you understand something? O People! Come back to the endless oceans of disappearing,” and they are coming in it. Marhaban. وَإِذْ أَخَذَ رَبُّكَ مِن بَنِي آدَمَ مِن ظُهُورِهِمْ ذُرِّيَّتَهُمْ وَأَشْهَدَهُمْ عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ أَلَسْتُ بِرَبِّكُمْ قَالُواْ بَلَى شَهِدْنَا أَن تَقُولُواْ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ إِنَّا كُنَّا عَنْ هَذَا غَافِلِينَ. The Day whereon they will (all) come forth; not a single thing concerning them is hidden from Allah. الست بربک٠Kullu umuri hawwaltuha ‘indaka. Thumma salaamu `alaa Sayyid al-Anbiya wa 'l-mursaleen wa mala`ikatil mukarrameen, wa awliyaa as-saaliheen! JazakAllahu khayr. O, O, O thumma as-salaamu `alaykum yaa Qutb az-Zamaan wa 'l-Aqtaab, Awtaad, Budalaa, Nujabaa, Nuqabaa, Akhyaar! Grandshaykh (q) related that when a mu’min leaves dunya, Allah orders Sayyidina Azra`eel to bring a heavenly paper with “Allah” written on it. Die Propheten wurden für uns gesandt. Diri yang berantakan, dalam arti tidak terjadi sinkronisasi dan harmoni antara badan (the … Finally, it will be the Day of Resurrection and the holy order will come, “Your mission is finished. Allah will open the knowledge but only to His Prophet (s), not to anyone else. Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillaahi 'l-hamd. Allah berkata dan kita pun menjawab "balaa syahidnaa > Betul (Engkau Tuhan kami), kami menjadi saksi". March 10, 2020 Alastu bi-Rabbikum is a conversation with the Universe/Higher Power/Creator. All his life and in Akhirah, it is Sayyidina Muhammad (s) who is always in the Presence of Allah (swt). We must always seek refuge in Allah (swt) from Shaytan ar-rajeem, the one whom Allah cursed to be the lowest in Hellfire. Manusia menjadi satu-satunya makhluk yang diciptakan dengan kedua tangan Tuhan, selainnya hanya diciptakan satu tangan Tuhan (khalaqtu bi yadayya/QS Shad [38]: 75). O Salafi `ulamas! May Allah (swt) make it easy for us to make wudu and sleep. Ayat terakhir ini sering dialamatkan kepada pasangan pengantin baru, tetapi sesungguhnya bisa juga dimaknai pasangan-pasangan di dalam diri sendiri. Aussprache: aya arabisch: آية persisch: آیه englisch: Ayah (sign, verse) Bild: Der Lichtvers als Kalligraphie. When they tried to put the dots (nukta) on Ba, every letter wanted the dot to be on top except Ba, who wanted the dot on the bottom, as if to say, “Yaa Rabbee, I don’t want to be proud that the dot is on top of me because the center of the dot is the center of the heart, so I want it to be below,” not above like in the letters Taa, Thaa, Khaa, Jeem in which the dot is in the middle. (This), lest Ye should say on the Day Of Judgment: "Of this we Were never mindful": 173. Mereka datang ke kantor Kejari Kota Depok secara pribadi dan ada yang diwakilkan. Dialah yang paling mengetahui tentang orang yang bertakwa." (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Hajjah Naziha on the phone. Subhaan Allah! Of those who reject Our Signs; So relate the story; Perchance they may reflect. All this world's secrets may be opened to you in moments! “Ba,” when Allah (swt) said to the souls, “Alastu bi-rabbikum?” and we said, “Yes, balaa.” (Surat al-A`raaf, 7:172) So the first letter mentioned is the Ba and the Prophet (s) mentioned it in response to Allah (swt), everyone else followed him. SUBSCRIBE! Ayat ini menggunakan lafaz jamak "kami" (nahnu) sebagai isyarat yang harus menyembah ialah keseluruhan lapisan yang ada dalam diri manusia. “Sesungguhnya Kamilah yang menurunkan Al Qur‘an dan sesungguhnya Kami benar-benar memeliharanya“. If you don’t sleep you have no power. O `Ulamas! Freitagspredigt in Deutscher Gebärdensprache (DGS) Oleh :ProfNasaruddin Umar  -- Dalam kosmologi Islam, manusia disebut mikrokosmos karena semua unsur makrokosmos, termasuk substansi makhluk spiritual, seperti malaikat dan jin, tersimpul di dalam diri manusia. Dalam Al-Qur'an sebagaimana yang tercantum pada surat Al-A'raaf:172 diatas, kita punya perjanjian dengan Allah Sang Khalik Maha Pencipta. Allahu Akbar. It makes one think, why is it that despite the countless blessings … Leave this dunya and listen, and you will reach countless treasures! Ar-rajeem is the one who is stoned by Allah (swt) and by every person who goes to Hajj or who says, “astaghfirullah,” that istighfaar is like a stone falling on the head of Shaytan! Tafsir. The whole world and whatever is on it is imagination. (13:13). These words were spoken in Pre-Eternity when Allah addressed the as yet 'non-existent' sons of Adam. Now say, “Yaa,” because that is a yaa without dots; it is Alif maqsoora, half Alif, and again you are opening your mouth. (The Qur'an 7:171). That is why if you make wudu, pray two raka`ats and then sleep it is `ibaadah until you wake up, but if you sleep for eight hours without wudu, not one second of that eight hours will be written for you as `ibaadah! Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Yes? That is the glory granted to the Children of Adam and all prophets were sent to teach the Children of Adam. I have one mahboob, one love, not two, not three.”. Mereka semua menjawab: This is the day mentioned in the words of Allah Most High, “When thy Lord drew forth from the Children of Adam – from their loins – their descendants, and made them testify concerning themselves, (saying): “Am I not your Lord (who cherishes and sustains you)?”- They said: “Yea! 177. (Mawlana Shaykh stands), وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَالْمَلاَئِكَةُ مِنْ خِيفَتِهِ. (QS al-Baqarah [2]: 33). All Glory to our Lord, Who granted us an understanding in front of which this huge universe is going to be so small. The understanding that we have been granted is bigger than this world. IS NIDA mae bahoot MOhabbat(Love) thi. Wir entfernen uns vom aufrechten Glauben und von moralisch-ethischen Werten. ALASTU BIRAB BIKUM QOLU BALA SYAHIDNA Artinya: Bukankah aku ini Tuhanmu ? This … (9:119). In a second or less, it is opening and closing and it is finished. We have been granted a real being. Keep in mind that their Alif, the “a,” shows shirk compared to the Arabic Alif. Addeddate 2022-01-13 01:11:34 Identifier JAN-22 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2wbr0x367g Ocr tesseract 5.0.0-1-g862e Ocr_autonomous true Ocr_detected_lang The surah titled in English means “The Heights” and it consists of 206 verses. I am bombarding your useless fortress. Silaturahim antarlapisan diri manusia juga sangat penting, bahkan lebih penting dari yang lain. Allahuma zid habeebika `izzan wa sharafa noorun wa surooran ridwaanan wa sultaanan. We do testify!" #Destiny #Heaven #God #journey Watch full video here - paranormal activity, mysticism, and enlightenment, Kamran Pasha + Mr Doomcock InterviewWant to see more? O our Attenders! That is what we are asking for us. That is the similitude Of those who reject Our Signs; So relate the story; Perchance they may reflect., © Copyright 2012 Sufilive. ... 7:172 – “Wa idh akhadha rabbuka min banee adama min Zhuhorihim dhurriyyatahum wa ashhadahum ‘ala anfusihim alastu bi Rabbikum qalo bala shahidna an taqolo yawmal qiyamati inna kunna ‘an hadha ghafileen.” (Surat Al A’raf ) “And [mention] when your Lord took from the … Der Tote ist genauso zu respektieren wie der Lebendige. Say, so that people can hear. +49 221 / 50 80 00 When He orders Sayyidina Israfeel (a) to blow the trumpet, everyone will die, including him, Sayyidina Azra`eel (a), and Sayyidina Jibreel (a). WebJourney Through Heaven and Earth: Alastu Bi Rabbikum Wa Qalu Bala #islamicvideo @muhammadanway 210 Dislike 27 Share Would You Fly To Paris For A Baguette? Das Einzige, worin sie sich übertreffen können, ist ihre Frömmigkeit und ihre Ehrfurcht vor Allah.“9 Mit seiner Abschiedspredigt beleuchtete er bereits vor Jahrhunderten unsere Tage. Waotlu AAalayhim nabaa allathee ataynahu ayatina fainsalakha minha faatbaAAahu alshshaytanu fakana mina alghaweena. Bukhari)". May we be under their domes! You created me!" Marhaban! If I am sitting here for a thousand years, still there will be never-ending knowledge, which needs never-ending understanding. So, on the Day of Promises the Prophet (s) said, “Balaa.” And when you say, “Laa,” you open your mouth. Dan kemudian Dia memberi mereka bukti-bukti ketuhanan melalui alam raya ciptaanNya, sehingga dengan adanya bukti-bukti itu secara fitrah akal dan hati nurani mereka mengetahui dan mengakui kemahaesaan Tuhan. As we remember our heavenly origins and return home, let us all embrace what God has given us. Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, `Azeez Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Kareem Allah, Allah Allah, `Aleem Allah, Allah Allah, Qadeer Allah, Allah Allah, Subhaan Allah, Allah Allah, Sultaan Allah. O Salafi `ulamas! Ishfa` lanaa yaa Sayyidi 'r-Rusulu 'l-kiram. with tounge dont declare. And if they are not understanding, then how were they saying, Qaalu balaa, “They said, 'Indeed you are (our Lord). +49 221 / 86 99 791 You know it, now open it and say to people so they may understand. Based on Quranic imagery of the Primordial Covenant that has a primary significance in Islamic mystical traditions (Sufism/Tassawwuf). That is why in European languages, Alif, represented by the letter “a,” is first in the alphabet. Try to understand your heavenly identity, hawiyyah! The whole world and whatever is on it is imagination. WebDschalaluddin Rumi ist bekannt für seine Poesie der Liebe. Allahu Akbar. (Mawlana Shaykh stands) Allahu Akbaru 'l-Akbar! O, O, O thumma as-salaamu `alaykum yaa Qutb az-Zamaan wa 'l-Aqtaab, Awtaad, Budalaa, Nujabaa, Nuqabaa, Akhyaar! Wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.. alastu birabbikum qaaluu balaa syahidnaa (Janji Kita). “Ba” is the first letter to be pronounced in creation, because Prophet (s) was the first to say, “Yes.” The first time was when Allah created Prophet’s Light before creating the creation and asked him, “Am I not your Lord?” other than when Allah asked everyone else. Question: Would you please tell me what is ‘ruz-e-alast’? We do testify!" Allahu Akbar! O People! Can you take in provision other than through your mouth? Persib Bandung telah menjalani laga bertajuk partai kandang sebanyak 10 kali. Gewähre uns die Gunst, unsere Seelen als Gläubige übergeben  zu können! Dalam gambaran Al-Quran, kita pernah dipanggil Allah saat masih dalam wujud-wujud rohani. Who has the most broken heart for the Love of his Lord? 175. Berkata Allah kepada roh manusia "Bukankah Aku ini Tuhanmu?" But we are asking for damaged treasures, that if fire is coming on a diamond, it will burn and turn to coal. A`oodhu billahi min ash-Shaytaani 'r-rajeem. Es ist die Liebe der Sehnsucht, des Zustandes des alastu-bi-rabbikum (d.h. "Bin Ich nicht euer Herr? What size, no one knows. Kuntu kanzan makhfiyyan fa ahbabtuhu an u`rafa fa khalaqtu ‘l-khalq fa-bihi `arifoonee. All this world's secrets may be opened to you in moments! The day of “Am I not your Lord?” (Alastu bi Rabbikum) is the day when all of the children of our father Adam were made to acknowledge the oneness of their Lord and Creator. Ask to reach your full limits of understanding, as the Lord of Heavens is granting to mu`mins and unexpected dominions are opening, and there are no limits for it! But if you haven't been granted an understanding about Creation, how are you going to reach an understanding about the Lord of Heavens, the Creator of all Creation? They call to Allah, offering Him sincere devotion. (Mawlana Shaykh sits) Qaalat namlatun, “An ant said.” If an ant was not granted an understanding, then how was it warning all the ants, saying: How was a small ant granted an understanding? If you are not understanding, then how are we saying, "Balaa! His similitude is that Of a dog: if you attack Him, he lolls out his tongue, Or if you leave him alone, He (still) lolls out his tongue. He Almighty has heavenly ones who are saints, awliyaa, who say the Lord of Heavens addressed everyone there with seven different names to make them reach an understanding, first in themselves and then in their Creator. The day of “Am I not your Lord?” (Alastu bi Rabbikum) is the day when all of the children of our father Adam were made to acknowledge the oneness of their Lord and Creator. Dalam Al-Qur'an sebagaimana yang tercantum pada surat Al-A'raaf:172 diatas, kita punya perjanjian dengan Allah Sang Khalik Maha Pencipta. The Day of Alastu 1 is one of the most important Qur’anic events in history 2 and is foundational for understanding Islamic theology, 3 The idea of this primordial covenant ( mithaq) between … This disambiguation page lists articles about distinct geographical locations with the same name. Hati-hati jikalau kita sudah berucap janji, apalagi kalau kita berjanji kepada Allah. Say, what are the secrets of the Day of Promises? It is the glorifying of only one angel! (Mawlana Shaykh speaks to Hajjah Naziha on the phone. Der Araber hat dem Nichtaraber nichts voraus und der Weiße nicht dem Schwarzen. Tags: Haroon,Harun . 174. Man yahdi Allahu fahuwa almuhtadee waman yudlil faola-ika humu alkhasiroona. Alast ( Persian: الست and Arabic) may refer to: Alast-e Olya. Ihr seid alle Kinder Adams und Adam ist aus Lehm geschaffen. (Hadith Qudsi, At Haf 6/290). Alastu birabbikum Am I not your Lord? (Alastu bi Rabbikum?) (The Qur'an 7:171). These words were spoken in Pre-Eternity when Allah addressed the as yet 'non-existent' sons of Adam. This Primordial Covenant is called by the Sufis 'The Day of Alast'. (Bala). The word (s) "rabbuka" appears 52 time (s) in 52 verse (s) in Quran. Umar (ع), Sdn Uthman (ع), Sdn Ali (ع), Sdn Imam Hasan (ع), Sdn Imam Hussein (ع), Sdn Fatima AzZahra (ع)#Shorts #shaykhnurjanmirahmadi #prophetmuhammad ﷺ #sufi #sufism #Allah #sufimeditationcenter #energy #jinn #dajjal #sleepparalysis #demon #ghost #ilmhuroof #muhammadanway #ahlesunnat #tasawuf
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