*AFTER you have dealt with India do not slack and kill Australsia, the amount of Divisions they can churn out is frankly staggering. strategic destruction is the default air doctrine, because of the benefits to air superiority and fighter agility. Great combat guide to HOI4 in general. Both conservative and liberal politicians were opposed to the General, but members of the traditionalist branch of the right-wing party Rikken Seiyukai supported Tanaka's reforms, stating the need of a powerful leader who could stop the 'reds' from taking power. Unless you're playing with Expert AI, the China war only has to take about 4-5 months on average at very little cost to Japan, and annexing China is a huge boost to Japan's factory count . A tank designer will help you research tanks, an important producible, faster. There is I believe a cap to your buffs. This video is intended to be a "japanese politics for dummies" guide, introducing players to the complex world of early 20th century Japan. You're notably week compared to others of the "Axis" p. May only kamakazi in Pacific/Indian ocean 5. If those are gone, capitals are as worth as a piece of crap. Here are some links to build guides for older patches that show some examples about what you might think about when designing your own: Russia: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/ja5ud0/guide_russian_state_heavy_tank_build/, Germany: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/mg0liv/guide_basic_authdem_germany_build_order/, Vid on 10-0 + Tanks timing attack build concepts for middle powers: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/jrbk58/guide_100_tanks_playstyle_basics/. Otherwise the more specalized planes will have better stats for the missions. Hello KReddit, i am here to announce that me and Yularen have created this google spreadsheet, where we plan to map out every single Kaiserreich path and the guides on how to get each of them, with the courtesy of Yularen's work on the guides. Rebranded the National Security Act, it curtails a number of civil rights, and is seen by the government as a counter to the rising tide of syndicalism. pick 10-0 for your line holder infantry, they're cheap and don't require much research. This game is not only related to teather strategy-logistics-tactics, it's about politics, diplomacy, research, military, etc. Most of these depend on where/when you choose to invest your resources. In this tree you will have focuses that allow you to form an economic bloc similar to that of Miteleuropa. Mobile - this is a unit that will be used to exploit breakthroughs, looking to take free tiles, create encirclements, and rush VPs. In the second, radical, Restorationist forces in the army will launch a coup and transform Japan into a, In the third and final path, Centralist elements in the army will foil a coup by Restorationist elements and then take control of the government, transforming Japan into a, To be able to go down the democracy path, the. This not only due to their enormous snowballing potential, but because if whatever reason you decide to go after India later you will be trapped into a perma-war with the Entente if you already triggered the White Peace event. This guide will explain naval mechanics and basic strategy from the viewpoint of a casual multiplayer setting. where enemy has full frontline and you cannot achieve adequate local force concentration, then attempt to thin out their line by expanding the front (e.g. starting factories put on basic equipment you will likely not be upgrading before the war, things like trucks, support equipment, rifles, towed arty, towed AA. try and be ahead of time on construction and industry techs (for building slots, factory output, and construction speed). Even as a minor nation, if you can effectively engage the patrolling ships of the AI with Light Cruisers which have lots of light attack, AA and speed, you won't need subs nor NAVs most of the times. And then after that a significant amount of the game is overseas invasions where you often don't have large numbers of airbases and/or snaking russia's victory points without real resistance. Here is a post that can help you evaluate the battle screen to determine whether or not a combat is worth committing too: https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/p5wlf5/guide_how_to_tell_why_you_are_losing_combats/. If the National Unity government was formed, it will not continue past the election. Knowing what options to pick to get left KMT waifu will not handwave the requirement to fight out the war to unify china. Remember that in single player, if you screw up, most of the time you can just fall back on 'defend until I can get good 40W ahead of time tanks and then counter attack' - since AI responds so poorly to properly controlled tank divisions. Micro your cav / moto units if there's an opening, but don't use the general attack order on them. u get cas3, u can kill 40w tanks w pure inf, its literally a ussr strat to mass assault 400 20 width inf with cas3, the fact of the matter is that using cas with 40w inf is playing properly, cas3 can be absolutely devastating in the same way medium tanks can be devastating. group up 3 tank divisions and attack the enemy on a plains tile from two directions, then pin the responding enemy divisions while your army rushes in to make an encirclment or pressure VPs. how many military factories do I want to allocate to my selected techologies? A 20W mobile unit and to a lesser extent a 10W one can also sub in as a line holder if needed. One thing to note is that you can reach partial mobilization by March of 36 just through a few events. In general, dealing with tags that have their own white peace events first is advisable and accomplishes two goals A) ensuring you obtain the most clay and B) Preventing something breaks and you get trapped in a war that will lead to have to invade North Africa. The single most important action you can take in HOI4 to improve your gameplay is to stop battleplaning with full front offensive lines, and specifically stop battleplanning with mass infantry offensives. A national populist dictatorship has no real difference in how it wins the game (or even what benefits it provides) compared to a liberal democracy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cannot go to war with the allies until October 1940 4. Thus, most of the time you can rely on game mechanics for everything, except maybe moving mobile battalions from time to time. You're an island, you don't have any particularly strong enemies nearby, black Monday barely affects you, and you have more freedom than pretty much any other major for deciding what your end goals are. Moin moin, ich versuche mich momentan an Japan und versuche das historisch anzugehen. the Internationale will be significantly strengthened by a CSA or CNT-FAI victory, or minor nations being able to join any of the major factions or even create their own. But still a really helpful guide! This is a great and insightful post. Because there is no stat requirement, any division can do this job and sometimes this category of division gets skipped if you can live with your breakthrough units or line holders doing the rushing, even if they aren't optimal. The Seiyūkai, and Minseitō will run their own candidates, and the Kokumin Dōmei (National Alliance) will form. No green air and inability to get a combat width edge on defending infantry will generally get this type of play stalemated. If you need help with macro you should look out for tips n tricks guides for the specific tasks you want to optimize, IMO there aren't many overarching concepts for macro to discuss. If so when will I build them? Lack of depth isn't necessarily a bad thing though. !11ONEone" 27 step decision mini game or by paying a 3 national focus tax has little difference on your options for winning the game. You can use the army branch to get 50xp and with the xp grinded in Indochina/training, you lvl up your army troubles. KR just uses vanilla mechanics and tech though. The nations that are directly referred to in this rule set that are assumed to be players are Germany, Union of Britain . Russia is probably the country that is the best candidate for pursuing this strategy and for a player who isn't confident delaying and building up might be a more comfortable playstyle as opposed to aggression. This means if you choose to invest into military early then you must get value from that investment early (by forcing a similar spend from your opponent or in HOI4, more often by eating up weaker countries to absorb their economy and manpower). 5 Olimandy • 3 yr. ago Put your cavalry / motorized behind, too, give them the same narrow front line, but instead of a spear-head give them a wide general order for planning bonus. Would definitely recommend this to anyone that really enjoys naval battles, air management and invasions. Small offensive battle plans can be used effectively but involve limited activation and constant adjustment / deletion & redraw to keep your offensive units from shuffling backwards etc... but large offensive battle plans with the intent to push are pretty much always bad. German player also usually has to save their CAS for specific pushes because all their planes will die to USSR AA if they leave them up for prolonged period of time. The only true nation that can be classified as Rush is right-KMT Yunnan. The winner could be the ruling Seiyūkai and PM Mizuno, or it could see the Market Liberal Minseitō and its leader Hamaguchi Osachi swept into power. If the proposal was shot down a snap election will be held in one month’s time. will I need a navy, and if so when will I need it? Of course, if you are picking up a country on the fly you probably won't be able to calculate and work out in specific detail exactly what your build will be like. With such a huge navy I really struggled keeping everything running. The buffs and general soft attack of your divisions is insane. Although there is some strategy involved in how you build your army, what fronts to push first, addressing fuel and resource requirements etc.., ultimately this is usually much less important than how you use your army tactically on the field. Otherwise you might get more mileage out of concentrated, particularly for spamming lineholder infantry that only use basic equipment that will cap out efficiency early). First, you get a good army if you get Zhu Peide. Which KR doesn't have a lot of. This could line up with a certain tech being available (e.g. Diplomacy would be to use spies to stage coup and get that nation into faction, or do certain events to get them in your faction etc. They are just a bit authoritarian and nationalist. Winning in kaiserreich involves winning one or more conflicts by capitulating the opposing country by using your land army to take their victory points (excluding scripted peace events). Because in this story, German victory destabilizes almost entirety of the world. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 14-4s is a composition that people do.14 infantry, 4 line artillery. And what's more, a massive amount of the game, from the huge amount of flavor text to ship names to even many historical focuses, exists entirely for the sake of RP. Be aware that building too many forts may cause the AI not to attack you at all. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I had a few games where I lost naval superiority in S China Sea despite constant patrols because Entente parked 200 ships in Shanghai and other concessions with their military access. So all you really need, at least in SP, in the end is a navy that is capable to deal a lot of damage to the enemy screens but at the same time escape whenever you are sustaining too many losses. Ensure the Conservatives maintain their absolute majority and pass the Security Act. Finally here's a couple of tricks and tips that will make your playthrough go a lil bit smoother: - You have a lot of options when it comes to division templates due to your industry and no Black Monday debuffs. 50 Divisionen und was folgt ist eher ein. The beauty of this nation is that you have a nice variety of paths that you can choose from. A high soft attack will often score lots of attacks over attacking infantry breakthrough especially with entrenchment which can be good for ending attacks and inflicting manpower and equipment losses on the AI - however artillery is expensive on research and tungsten so it is often not worth it to put into lineholder divisions beyond support company level. If you are getting stalled out make sure you check the battle screen to figure out why you having problems so you can start to solve them. The Japanese national focus tree can be divided into 7 branches: The Unthinkable Option Branch The Communist branch is based around the idea of establishing a Communist state in Japan with the possibility of either joining the Soviets or forming a faction with Communist China. The PM will lose his support from those who wanted the Act passed and will resign in disgrace. There are also some that are guides to specific events such as the Lawrence coup for the Union of Britain. Industrial company will help you research important industrial techs like construction faster and will also help you build factories faster. Definitely give it a go if you haven’t played in a while! I have a fairly detailed (and maybe a bit ranty) template video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vArEP0EXFOI&list=PLFkB0fcvBM2LsNuTyCm2_DD4QRTbYDhEy, although most contemporary template guides are also a good enough starting point for getting ideas. Generally this is a 40W division for attack and breakthrough stat concentration (stat concentration is important for dealing and dodging x4 damage attacks - read combat wiki for more info). So those are my credentials for making the claims I do here. 9 2 5 4 These players often don't care about mobile divisions since they won't be making any breakthroughs to exploit anyways, but confusingly still sometimes line up motorized divisions on the front and try and push with them. if you will be doing a technology upgrade on an existing line that has a significant number of factories and efficiency (e.g. They will get entrenchment. In order to do this it is essential to understand the basic combat mechanics of the game, which are available on the wiki (linked previously) - particularly what each stat does and how combats are resolved. Here are some general build considerations for a WKII major power working for a 1939 alsace lorraine timing: tech, political power spends, and focus picks should generally prioritize things that are stronger the longer you have them. After some time you will get an event where the Emperor declares that the Government is weak and you will get an option via event for the army to coup the government. It borders the Fengtian Government and Russia to the north. Very powerful feature. If the Restorationists take control of the government, a little less than a year from the takeover, a syndicalist, angry at the Army takeover, will attempt to assassinate the Emperor Hirohito. Micromangement tasks generally include how you set up and command the individual divisions under your command tactically. Make sure to build a lvl 10 port on the China mainland, and enough air bases for your cas. what resources will I need to produce the technology I selected? xp you can get from lend leasing some cheap rifles, volunteer use, or even better, with attache to one of the 2ACW factions. I tend to leave the dominion of India and invade the south of India creating a Cold War setting between Co-Prosperity and Entente. Jack Ulyatt 2018-08-05 Hearts of Iron IV Table of Contents 1) Introduction 2) General Advice 3) National Focus And POLITICAL Power 4) Research In Brief 5) Military Tactics 5.1) The Allies 5.2) The Soviet Union 6) Final Tips German Empire Of course, German Empire ranks number one. It gives you the best stats for trying to win the air. That's pretty much all I have to say with regards to how to win at KR singleplayer. In any case, I learned HOI4 mechanics on KR Mod and it is definitely possible for a new player to pick up HOI4 on the mod without playing vanilla extensively first. But then again, you can also ignore the RP aspect of a game like Knights of the Old Republic and focus solely on crunching numbers (they are how you ultimately win, after all). Defend until ahead of time tank divs drop is also a common strategy for smaller countries, as effectively micro'd tank divisions will allow you to punch up against much stronger AI powers. A beginners guide for Empire of Japan The empire of Japan is probably my favorite nation to play in Kaiserreich, sinking countless of hours into it, I thought that I should make a guide to show new players how to get a nice start. Some countries have addition macro loads due to forced decision minigames - for example canada must remember to click suppression decisions on time in order to clear quebec in flames debuffs. I mean... yeah, it does follow reddiquette, post has been reapproved. This guide is intended to go over more broad concepts than provide to help newer players improve their thought process when playing KR, as opposed some other tutorials and guides out there that provide specific 'tips n tricks' or 'how to' advice. It’s the go to meta division for single player builds that focus on infantry. How about crushing German Influence in Asia and become the hegemon of the East? First, you try taking out Lianggung, with its weakened army while you pass through the focus before army sub-branches. Rush aims to take the initiative on the map early. You're in a time crunch to beat the Qing before Japan/Fengtian beats them down, and also the fact that the Qing will try and kill republicans. Press J to jump to the feed. Our plan is to make it a resource available for all members of the KR community on both discord and reddit, update it contstantly alongside the updates to the mod itself, and overall improving the experience for anyone. Press J to jump to the feed. CAS can help compensate for bad stats either base or imposed by modifiers as long as you can keep throwing enough org in to keep the attack going. Once we have an idea of what we want to do tactically we can go about making sure our army consists of the right divisions to do this. Then you repeat it over and over until most of the screens are gone, at which point you can send a bunch of torpedo ships to give the final blow to the enemy capitals (For this Submarines work too), Ok now teach me how to play vanilla pls <3. ‘Defend Democracy’ opens up one of two political paths: Democracy through the focus ‘Electoral Reform’ or an IJA coup through ‘Military Centralism.’. Do you want to commit heavily on China and establish coastal colonies? Press J to jump to the feed. we attack when our first 40W rushed ahead of time medium tank div drops), a war goal date (e.g. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Whether or not you fix your economic debuffs through a "MuH ImMeRsIoN! This is more or less the correct view on the game IMO. filling out your construction / training queues, checking that you aren't over your divisions cap accidentally and taking crippling penalties. For most KR majors this is the strategy you will usually want to pursue in SP - aiming to have the largest possible army at alsace lorraine declaration / russian intervention / entente intervention and to immediately try and press the advantage against your enemies. Sometimes even with green air. Hearts of Iron 4 supply - supplying armies Once supply has reached the hub or hubs closest to the frontline, it then needs to be able to get to the fighting divisions so that they can maintain. Really solid advice. The battle planner is far and away the biggest noob trap in the game, and the primary culprit behind the trash player cycle. I have talked to people who come from EU4 and sometimes there is frustration over not having military success - usually tied to battle planner, and wanting to know how to make the military 'hands off' (which often you can't). No? In terms of specific execution here is a post discussing micro specifics that you will want to look to use: https://www.reddit.com/user/AtomicRetard/comments/p7im99/micro_reply_copypasta/ This post also discusses how you want to set up your army so that it is micro friendly. If the enemy moves their divisions anyway, you can try pushing them with cav / moto (especially is the enemy has low org), but don't overdo it, because the manpower and equipment losses may be too high. Don't invade into the mountains to the south, or the north. THIS IS WHY HOI4 PLAYERS LOVE KAISERREICH JAPAN! At the start of your game you will be presented with a series of events that show you the current political landscape. Timing attack - This focuses on aiming to have an advantage at a given point in time. Winning the CYOA chain (where applicable) to get whatever outcome you think to be the 'good end' for your country will still not win the war for you. After the Security Act is passed you will get a series of events that let you choose which party you want, first I believe is AuthDemn and then its Market Liberals. how heavily do I want to invest in volunteers? That oil can sustain your airforce and your tank core. The Kaiserreich Path Guide Sheet, by u/KRFrostleaf and u/Yularen2077 Hello KReddit, i am here to announce that me and Yularen have created this google spreadsheet, where we plan to map out every single Kaiserreich path and the guides on how to get each of them, with the courtesy of Yularen's work on the guides. If you are playing a country that has been around for a while you might already have a handle on what / when their potential wars are which can help you make an informed decision. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Any questions are welcomed! E.g. It isn’t enough however to sustain all of your fleet being active. A common mistake is building military industry early at game start as a major. Russia is good because there's the fairly simple objective of building up for the war against Germany, and unlike France, you don't have to engage in a million proxy wars to strengthen the 3I. Japan in January of 1936 is reaching the end of its current legislative (Diet) session. Sure, it's not as effective as micro-ing Everything, but you'll still get great results and minimize losses. Must be a part of it's own faction (cannot join axis war against soviets until 1943) 3. If you want to have a Sino-Japanese war and fight the warlords with Fengtian and then have a grand-showdown against Fengtian at the end pick all the focuses that decrease relations with Fengtian as well as the appropriate events. If he succumbs to his wounds, his brother Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu, will stand in as Regent for Akihito, Hirohito’s son. Sometimes it is not necessary for the units to win the defensive battles, but you at least need to be able to hold up attackers long enough for you to make gains elsewhere. The empire of Japan is probably my favorite nation to play in Kaiserreich, sinking countless of hours into it, I thought that I should make a guide to show new players how to get a nice start. Don't be afraid of paying longer than nomral research times to get these techs early, especially if you have a bonus. 114K views 2 years ago #kaiserreich #hoi4 The Russian Republic is considered one of the best nations to play in Kaiserreich, with a host of different paths before it! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. After that you have to make sure the Security Act fails. How can Cuba become NatPop. Angriff gestartet mit ca. Give them a big general attack plan - now they also get planning bonuses. And there's no way someone could argue that KOTOR isn't an RPG. Remember the goal is to take their VPs or destroy / contain their army until they cannot contest you from doing so - not to push a line across their whole country. The three majors I always say are good for beginners to KR or HOI4 in general are Russia, UOB, and Japan. The game setup is WWII and from minute 1" you can start altering the proper series of 'histeric' events. sliding factory lines (making sure partially completed construables are moved up in queue to get the full 15 on them, so you get a new constructable finished faster). There are also static bonuses to leader experience gain, so make sure you look over your Admirals' abilities closely. The reality of the matter is that as a major with decent tank build you will be ending wkII in SP around 1941 on normal difficulty at the latest (germany and france can get a kill on the other in 1939 or 1940 fairly easily) and it is unlikely you will have an appreciable amount of 1944 tech during those times. The advantage you can get from having better macro doesn't really pay the dividends better micro does, most of the time. Aim to attack when you have around 3-5 tank divs. Good luck and have fun learning micro while putting the battleplanner in the trashbin where it belongs. start switching to mils around 1.5 years before the war (about early 38 for most majors), or a little bit before your target tank tech comes out (so you can put initial mils to fill out basic equipment needs) then fill out your tank lines with new factories. There are also hyrbid division concepts - for example 20W light tank division is fast enough to do mobile work well and also has decent stats and is capable of making breakthroughs against less-stacked AI tiles. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuoAoMFB6Rb-oz3aNeH9Wxg, https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/ja5ud0/guide_russian_state_heavy_tank_build/, https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/mg0liv/guide_basic_authdem_germany_build_order/, https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/jrbk58/guide_100_tanks_playstyle_basics/, https://www.reddit.com/user/AtomicRetard/comments/p7im99/micro_reply_copypasta/, https://www.reddit.com/r/Kaiserreich/comments/dev0mr/here_is_how_to_break_german_border_forts_as_cof/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xeqYAy6-1EU, https://www.reddit.com/r/hoi4/comments/p5wlf5/guide_how_to_tell_why_you_are_losing_combats/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vArEP0EXFOI&list=PLFkB0fcvBM2LsNuTyCm2_DD4QRTbYDhEy. when will I be going to war? In contrast, army high command will generally not help you at all early and whether you take them as first spend or last spend before the war provide basically the same benefit. Using your army like this is not a smart way to play the game. I played a lot of RTS in high school and college so maybe that is why I am drawn KR mod over vanilla for its increased focus on unit micro. Do I need to line up any bonuses from my focus tree with research start/finish times? For example in warlord china, a lot of divisions might be 12 W or even 6 W, so even a 6W template might be good enough to hold the line while your 20W becomes more of a breakthrough unit. Don't invite mengukuo or manchukuo to the war, and sit 24 divisions on the border that you share with china. The biggest step to improving your gameplay is to realize that, at it's core, single player HOI4 more closely follows the template of an RTS game (focus is on unit micromangement to outmanouver and tactically outplay the opponent, with grand strategy elements taking a backseat). As always in HOI4: Speed Kills. What battle plan reliant players generally try to do instead is push across the entire frontline, eventually driving the enemy back until you have painted their country your color. Even 10-0 with support arty can effectively bully 12W or 10W militia divisions, especially if stacked up. This is minor to be honest, you don't gain a whole lot but you can bypass the rng part by setting it on custom game rules. He is trying to help others be good at the game. if you have any idea or suggestions to improve it, you are very much encouraged to share it, feedback is really useful. Having additional macro load due to country mechanics imposing an attention tax during wartime / sweaty volunteer time sucks because it distracts you from micromanagement tasks putting you at a disadvantage, unfortunately you need to deal with it if this is the case for your country. Japan must go to war with China before 1938 2. Hearts of Iron IV: Deutsch Tutorial - Panzer Designer. HOI4 has notoriously bad AI - why would you want the AI to manage YOUR army for you? These events are mainly giving them guns, fighters and overall giving them more autonomy. I guess this is here to accommodate players who want to focus on the shallow macro and strategic gameplay, but ultimately as discussed previously there isn't much to the game outside of this. The goal of Kaiserredux is to bring together submods and devs that share the same common goal, expanding the content of Kaiserreich with an emphasis on fun and interesting scenarios over realism/grounded lore.
Leatherman Kliemannsland,